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Fire in the Sonoran Desert

Saving Our Saguaros: Managing Grassification of the Sonoran Desert

Learn more about a pressing issue in our region and what we can do to help in this virtual Coffee Break with guest speaker Kim Franklin, associate director of conservation at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

Sonoran desert

Tracking Urban Emissions Through Plant Radiocarbon and Traffic Modeling

In this virtual talk, our guest speaker Ashley Cadena, a PhD student at Northern Arizona University, shares more about a community science project and how supporters can get involved by collecting invasive plants and counting traffic.

London rocket

Help Sample Tucson Plants to Study Fossil Fuel Emissions

In this virtual training, SIA Program Director Emily Burns walks us through the steps of how to participate in an innovative study using radiocarbon dating.

Road in Canelo Hills

Road Decommissioning Surveys: A How-To

In this virtual Coffee Break, SIA staff Bryon Lichtenhan and Sarah Truebe present on our new campaign to rewild old roads in the Coronado National Forest.

Hog-nosed skunk

Skunks of the Sky Islands

In this virtual Coffee Break, SIA Wildlife Specialist Meagan Bethel presents on the four kinds of skunks found in the Sky Islands. The talk includes ID tips, info on species' ranges, and fun photos.

Aravaipa Creek

Arizona Water Law 101

In this virtual Coffee Break, Tucson lawyer and SIA board co-chair Michael Van Alsburg dives into one of the most important topics in our region: water.

Black bear

Sky Island FotoFauna in New Mexico

In this webinar Sky Island Alliance staff were joined by residents from New Mexico interested in joining our FotoFauna network.

Gila topminnows

The Future of Arizona's Smallest Native Fish

In this virtual Coffee Break, biologist Betsy Grube with the Arizona Fish and Game Department discusses the biology, history, and recovery of a number of the state's endangered species.

Black River

How Is Surface Water Quality Protected in Arizona?

In this virtual Coffee Break, Dr. Erin Jordan from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality shares how surface waters are protected and what you can do to help safeguard them.

White-tailed deer and fawn

Border Wildlife Study 3rd Anniversary

In this virtual Coffee Break, Sky Island Alliance staff share an update on our Border Wildlife Study and the last three years of wildlife activity along 30 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border in southeast Arizona.

Mexico interns

Sky Island Alliance y la cultura de conservación en Sonora

In this virtual Coffee Break, Sky Island Alliance program staff share more about the range of upcoming projects we have planned for 2023 in Sonora and ways supporters can volunteer.


Spring Into Stewardship

In this virtual Coffee Break, Sky Island Alliance program staff share more about the range of upcoming projects we have planned for 2023 in Arizona and ways supporters can volunteer.

Shipping container removal

Arizona Border Update

A panel discussion on the evolving situation with the state of Arizona's illegal shipping-container wall on the Coronado National Forest now that protesters effectively stopped wall construction and former Gov. Ducey has left office.

White-tailed deer

Highlights From Our 3rd Annual FotoFauna Contest

On Dec. 15, 2022, we hosted our 3rd annual FotoFauna Contest, in which Sky Island Alliance supporters voted on best photos captured by our volunteers’ remote cameras. Watch the recording and see all the winners in our various categories.

Shipping containers

Arizona Border Briefing

A panel discussion on the state of Arizona's illegal plan to barricade more of the U.S.-Mexico border with shipping containers on federal land. The newest container drop site is on the Coronado National Forest in the southern Huachuca Mountains — right in the heart of our Border Wildlife Study.

Dark Skies Webinar

Help Document Dark Skies in the Sky Islands, Oct. 17-26

In this short talk, we discuss how artificial lighting threatens the region's spectacular dark skies, as well as its wildlife. We also explain how you can step outside after the webinar and collect a simple measurement of how dark the sky is above you.

FotoFauna Training

Training: Intro to Sky Island FotoFauna

Do you love wildlife in the Sky Islands and have a place where you could place a backyard trail camera? Then this training is for you. In this talk we walk you through the steps of joining Sky Island Alliance's FotoFauna network.

The Forgotten Botanist

Coffee Break: "The Forgotten Botanist"

Check out this recording to learn more about a fascinating but unsung figure in the Sky Islands' history. In September 2022 we hosted a conversation with independent scholar, editor, poet, and author Wynne Brown, who shared details from Sara Plummer Lemmon’s life and work, with an emphasis on Sky Island plants.


Coffee Break: Fireflies of Arizona and the Sky Islands

Did you know there are more than 20 different species of fireflies in Arizona? Or that fireflies in our Sky Islands synchronize their flashes, lighting up the night in unison? Check out this virtual Coffee Break with Arizona firefly expert Joe Cicero to learn more about the cool fireflies and glowworms living in the region.

Sky Island geomorphology

Coffee Break: Sky Island Geology & Geomorphology

Have you ever wondered how the Sky Islands were created? How rivers became oriented in certain directions? How vegetation and soils play off each other to create the geographic diversity we see in Sky Islands? Check out this fascinating webinar to learn more.

American Scar

"American Scar" — Virtual Screening + Q&A

In May 2022 we hosted a virtual screening of the border wall documentary "American Scar," produced by The New Yorker. Following the short film was a Q&A with the director, producer, photographer, and local conservationists.

History of Springs in a Northern Sky Island

Did you know Arizona has over 200 native species of mollusks? Learn about several families of snails (springsnails, talussnails, mountainsnails, and woodlandsnails) that are Species of Greatest Conservation Need across the state.


Get to Know Your Slimy Neighbors — Desert Snails

Did you know Arizona has over 200 native species of mollusks? Learn about several families of snails (springsnails, talussnails, mountainsnails, and woodlandsnails) that are Species of Greatest Conservation Need across the state.

Getting Started With Sky Island FotoFauna

In this webinar, our Wildlife Specialist Meagan Bethel will walk you through how to join FotoFauna! With almost 200 volunteer cameras operating in the Sky Island region, you'll become a part of a large community science project that strives to better understand our regional and migratory wildlife.

Year-End 2021 FotoFauna Photo Celebration with Saguaro National Park

We’re back with another year-end celebration featuring photos submitted by the Sky Island FotoFauna community. With over 1,000 checklists now submitted to the project, there are sure to be plenty of wacky, weird, and just plain wondrous photos to look through.

Sky Island FotoFauna: First Year Results from a Growing Wildlife Monitoring Network

Come celebrate one year of Sky Island FotoFauna with us! After 12 months of data and over 1,000 checklists submitted, we are excited to share what the growing FotoFauna community of wildlife cameras in Sonora and Arizona is showing us about the distribution of Sky Island mammals.

Watershed Management Group—How Local Communities Restore and Track Tucson's Flowing Rivers

Watch this webinar to learn how communities in the Tucson area have helped restore Tucson’s heritage of flowing creeks and rivers through Watershed Management Group's River Run Network. Our guest presenter also talk about the Flow365 project, a community science monitoring team who does groundwork to track the flow of nearby rivers.

Introducción a Spring Seeker en Español

¡Únase a nosotros para un Coffee Break de Sky Island en español sobre nuestro proyecto Spring Seeker! El asistente de SIA, Ángel García, le explicará cómo unirse a nosotros para aprender a recopilar datos de manantiales locales a través de nuestro proyecto Spring Seeker.

Seeking Springs in the Perimeter of the Bighorn Fire

During this webinar, we discuss how volunteers can collect information on the health of springs affected by the Bighorn Fire in the Santa Catalina Mountains (near Tucson, Arizona) using our intuitive Spring Seeker smartphone app.

Bobcats in Tucson: A Study of Cats Living in and around the Tucson Mountains

Did you know there are bobcats in Tucson? There are—and our host, wildlife biologist Cheryl Mollohan with the organization Bobcats in Tucson, is here to tell you all about them. This discussion covers facts about the cat family and focuses on what the Bobcats in Tucson (BIT) study has learned from their radio-collared urban bobcats over the last seven months.

Introducción a FotoFauna en Español

¡Únase a nosotros para un Sky Island Coffee Break repleto de vida silvestre! El becario de SIA, Miguel Francisco Enríquez Galaz, le explicará cómo unirse a nuestra red de monitoreo de vida silvestre, Sky Island FotoFauna.

Introduction to Tracking Large Cat Species in the Sky Islands

Are you interested in learning how to help us document where these four cat species are present in the Sky Island region? Watch this training to learn how to identify cat tracks and sign, how to differentiate cat tracks and scat from other species, and when and where you’re most likely to find cat tracks and other sign.

Learn to Measure the Darkness of Our Night Skies

Join Globe at Night leader Connie Walker to learn how to measure night sky darkness around you by counting the number of stars visible to the unaided eye in easily recognizable constellations!

Setting Up Your Own Backyard Wildlife Camera

If you want to see animals roam through your own corner of the Sky Islands 24/7, learn how to set up a wildlife camera in your own backyard. Join us for this virtual Coffee Break to learn Sky Island Alliance tips and tricks for choosing the right camera for your interest and how to set it up for success. Spoiler alert, we are also going to show a lot of our favorite wildlife videos!

Introduction to Zooniverse

Are you an expert birder? Amateur mammal enthusiast? Excited to learn more about the diverse wildlife species of the Sky Islands? Join us to hear about our new community science projects on the Zooniverse platform where you can see photos from our wildlife cameras and help us with species identification.