Congratulations to our 2021 Interns for graduating from UNISIERRA!

March 3, 2022

In 2021, a new generation of conservationists from the Sky Island region participated in the Sky Island Alliance summer internship program. All four of the Sky Island Alliance interns were…
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Summer Intern Stories: Mi Experiencia En Cámaras Trampas / My Experience with a Wildlife Camera

November 1, 2021

Escrito por Gabriela Alejandra Smith Ramírez, participante del Programa Binacional de Pasantías de Sky Island Alliance. / Written by Gabriela Alejandra Smith Ramírez, a 2021 Sky Island Alliance Binational Internship Program participant….
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Summer Intern Stories: Mi Cámara Silvestre / My Wildlife Camera

Escrito por Fátima Sotelo Molinar, participante del Programa Binacional de Pasantías de Sky Island Alliance. Desde el primer mes trabajando con la cámara de FotoFauna he quedado admirada y muy entusiasmada en seguir viendo las capturas que he obtenido con mi cámara. Desde la primera vez que revise la memoria he tenido avistamientos que no me esperaba. Muchas especies que…
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Summer Intern Stories: How Fauna and Flora can be Used Sustainably on Sonoran Cattle Ranches

October 7, 2021

Written by Mónica Montaño, a 2021 Sky Island Alliance Binational Internship Program participant. A rancher’s main concern is the production of either goat or bovine cattle, either for the sale…
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Historias de pasantes de verano: Cómo la fauna y la flora se pueden utilizar de manera sostenible en los ranchos ganaderos de Sonora

Escrito por Mónica Montaño, participante del Programa Binacional de Pasantías de Sky Island Alliance. Las principales preocupaciones de un ganadero es la producción ya sea de ganado caprino o bovino…
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Configuring New FotoFauna Cameras in Mexico / Configuración de Cámaras FotoFauna en México

May 11, 2021

Miguel Francisco Enriquez Galaz joined Sky Island Alliance as an intern in 2019. After a two-year internship, we’re delighted that he’s staying on through 2021 as a Sky Island Fellow…
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Our Interns’ Favorite Spots in the Sonoran Sky Islands

January 25, 2021

Toward the end of their time in our binational internship program, we asked Elizabeth, Miguel, and Ángel​ about their favorite spots in the Sonoran Sky Island region. Months of searching…
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Meet Profauna: An Organization Turning the Tables in Favor of Conservation in Northern Mexico

November 11, 2020

Northern Mexico has had a tragic history of iconic wildlife extinctions due to hunting and persecution by government agencies and landowners. The Mexican Grizzly Bear or Mexican Silvery Bear (Ursus arctos nelson), for example, was a subspecies of…
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Binational Conservation in the Upper San Pedro River Watershed

November 3, 2020

Register for the Zoom link here Join this Coffee Break to hear from Profauna’s Mario Cirett and Antonio Esquer about binational collaborations investing in conservation and restoration of the Sonoran Sky Island since the early 2000s. Thanks…
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Melissa’s intern photo essay: canyons, cliffs, and grasslands

July 19, 2018

by Melissa Galindo, 2018 Doris Duke Conservation Scholar Halfway through my internship with Sky Island Alliance, and I’ve seen so much already! Is it hot out here? My attempt to…
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