Nadira Mitchell

Nadira Mitchell: Stories From Camp Week

July 8, 2022

  As someone who was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, I’ve always been aware of our proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border. I grew up in a city and went…
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Searching for Springsnails in Arizona

July 5, 2022

“I found one! Wait, no, that’s a pebble.” That was my refrain recently when I went out in the field to search for springsnails with Jeff Sorensen, a.k.a. “the snail…
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Monsoon lightning

Our Favorite Ways to Track the Monsoon

June 29, 2022

The monsoon is imminent here in Tucson, Arizona, and it’s already started further south in Sonora! I grew up in Tucson, and it was an early interest in how the…
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McGrew Spring restoration

Manantial restaurado con la ayuda de pasantes de verano

June 24, 2022

Especialista en mayordomía de SIA Bryon Lichtenhan y yo recientemente salimos al campo, encantados de estar acompañados por nuestras tres becarias de conservación Doris Duke: Taylor Lo, Samai Bhojwani y…
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McGrew Spring restoration

Summer Intern Stories: Spring Restoration

SIA Stewardship Specialist Bryon Lichtenhan and I recently headed out to the field, delighted to be accompanied by our three Doris Duke conservation scholars — Taylor Lo, Samai Bhojwani, and…
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Alejandra Tanori García

Nueva cámara de vida silvestre instalada por pasante

June 23, 2022

Alejandra Tanori García — arriba a la izquierda, en un viaje anterior plantando pastos nativos — es una de nuestras pasantes Camino del Jaguar este año. Hace unos días asumió…
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Alejandra Tanori García

Summer Intern Stories: Setting Up a Wildlife Camera

Alejandra Tanori García — above left, on an earlier trip planting native grasses — is one of our Path of the Jaguar interns this year. A few days ago she…
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Colecta de peces en redes

In Search of a Threatened Sonoran Minnow

June 15, 2022

In May 2022 three Sky Island Alliance staff members from Sonora — Angel García, Miguel Enríquez, and Mónica Montaño — joined a group of native fish researchers and conservationists in…
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Colecta de peces en redes

En busca de un pececillo amenazado de Sonora

En mayo de 2022, tres miembros del personal de Sky Island Alliance de Sonora — Angel García, Miguel Enríquez y Mónica Montaño — se unieron a un grupo de investigadores…
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Las Cienegas

Support Beaver Reintroduction at Las Cienegas

June 9, 2022

We need your help to support beaver reintroduction in Las Cienegas National Conservation Area. It’s one of the few riparian areas left in Southern Arizona and is critical due to…
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