Las Cienegas

Support Beaver Reintroduction at Las Cienegas

June 9, 2022

We need your help to support beaver reintroduction in Las Cienegas National Conservation Area. It’s one of the few riparian areas left in Southern Arizona and is critical due to…
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Great horned owl

Los beneficios de moverse tranquilamente por la naturaleza

June 7, 2022

Cuando voy a revisar las cámaras remota cerca de Agua Prieta, Sonora, siempre que salgo voy entusiasmado por lo que pueda ver durante el recorrido. Normalmente, para llegar al lugar…
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Great horned owl

The Benefits of Moving Quietly Through Nature

Whenever I go check remote cameras near Agua Prieta, Sonora, I get excited about what I might see during the trip. Normally, to get to the places where the cameras…
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Rio Cocospera in Sonora

Environmental Groups Look Forward at Gathering in Sonora

May 31, 2022

In May 2022, Sky Island Alliance staff joined five other environmental organizations in Sonora, Mexico, for a weekend at the stunningly beautiful Aribabi Conservation Ranch, nestled among cottonwood trees near…
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Sky Island geomorphology

Coffee Break: Sky Island Geology & Geomorphology

May 19, 2022

Have you ever wondered how the Sky Islands were created? How rivers became oriented in certain directions? How vegetation and soils play off each other to create the geographic diversity…
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A Sky Island Love Letter from 6th Grader Lucy Goepfrich

January 27, 2022

A few months ago, as I was reading through the notes that were left with the end-of-year donations given to Sky Island Alliance, I came across this one from a…
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Whence Water Flows (aka The Different Types of Springs in the Sky Islands)

October 18, 2021

Have you ever wondered what a spring is?  Well, a spring is a place where groundwater is exposed or emerges at the surface. Springs are classified into two main categories — lentic and lotic — based on…
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¿Qué son las islas del cielo?

October 1, 2021

Las islas del cielo.  Probablemente escuche que estas islas se mencionan mucho en el sur de Arizona y el norte de Sonora, o nos vea referirnos a ellas en nuestros mensajes…
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10 Sky Island Questions to Use at Trivia Night

July 28, 2021

Were trivia nights postponed or canceled at your local gathering place due to the pandemic? We’re here to keep your mind sharp with a handful of questions — some easy and some a bit more challenging — about our…
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What are Sky Islands?

June 9, 2021

The Sky Islands. You probably hear these islands mentioned a lot in southern Arizona and northern Sonora, or see us refer to them in our social messages and on our website. In fact, it’s even there in our…
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