Gila topminnows

The Future of Arizona’s Smallest Native Fish

May 4, 2023

In this virtual Coffee Break from May 4, 2023, biologist Betsy Grube with the Arizona Fish and Game Department presents on the future of the state’s smallest native fish. She…
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Galería de fotos: 2023 Día de la Tierra Border BioBlitz

April 25, 2023

El fin de semana pasado para el Día de la Tierra, Sky Island Alliance se unió al Border BioBlitz 2023, un evento de un mes que se lleva a cabo…
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Photo Gallery: 2023 Earth Day Border BioBlitz

This past weekend for Earth Day, Sky Island Alliance joined the 2023 Border BioBlitz, a month-long event held each April that seeks to document the diversity of life in our…
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Mule deer

Animales que aman la noche y los cielos oscuros

April 19, 2023

  La noche proporciona un hábitat esencial para muchas especies de vida silvestre aquí en las Islas del Cielo, desde murciélagos y búhos hasta ratas y colas anilladas. Con el…
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Mule deer

Animals That Love the Night and Dark Skies

  Night provides essential habitat for many wildlife species here in the Sky Islands, from bats and owls to rats and ringtails. Over time these species have evolved to see…
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Whetstone Mountains

Springs Restoration in the Whetstones

April 18, 2023

Join us for a day removing invasive species around McGrew Spring — a lovely, shaded oasis in southern Arizona’s Whetstone Mountains. If interested, there’s also an option to camp for…
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Gila topminnows

Coffee Break: The Future of Arizona’s Smallest Native Fish

April 17, 2023

Join us for a virtual Coffee Break to learn more about the biology, history, and recovery of native fish in Arizona, with an emphasis on topminnows and pupfish. The talk…
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Volunteer happy hour

Volunteer Celebration / Happy Hour

Come join us Monday, May 8, for a relaxed happy hour gathering at Tucson’s Westbound — just west of downtown in the MSA Annex. We’ll be celebrating all our volunteers,…
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Black River

How Is Surface Water Quality Protected in Arizona?

April 13, 2023

In this virtual Coffee Break from April 13, 2023, Dr. Erin Jordan from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality shares how surface waters are protected in the state and what…
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White-tailed deer and fawn

Border Wildlife Study 3rd Anniversary

April 6, 2023

In this virtual Coffee Break, Sky Island Alliance staff share an update on our Border Wildlife Study and the last three years of wildlife activity along 30 miles of the…
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