Rancho El Cajete

Getting Ready for Rain in Moctezuma, Sonora

April 4, 2023

Rainwater harvesting has been practiced for hundreds of years throughout the Sonoran Desert — so it’s nothing new. But in recent times there’s been an exciting resurgence using both old…
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Map of 2023 conservation projects

Proyectos de conservación en marcha en primavera de 2023

March 31, 2023

Hemos llegado a un punto emocionante aquí en Sky Island Alliance donde nuestros proyectos en Arizona y Sonora están tomando nueva forma y creciendo, y queríamos compartir una actualización de…
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Map of 2023 conservation projects

Conservation Projects Underway in Spring 2023

  We’ve reached an exciting point here at Sky Island Alliance where our projects in southeastern Arizona and northern Sonora are taking new shape and growing, and we wanted to…
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West Fork of Arizona's Black River

Coffee Break: How Is Surface Water Quality Protected in Arizona?

March 14, 2023

Join us for a virtual Coffee Break to learn more about how surface waters are protected in Arizona and what you can do to help safeguard these precious resources. The…
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Mariposa lily

Spring Flowers in the Sky Islands

March 13, 2023

  We’ve been enjoying a wet winter in the Sky Islands, and that always gets me excited for spring wildflowers. With the right temperatures and moisture, we can usually expect…
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Mariposa lily

Flores de primavera en las Islas del Cielo

Hemos estado disfrutando de un invierno húmedo en las Islas del Cielo, y eso siempre me emociona por las flores silvestres de primavera. Con las temperaturas y la humedad adecuadas,…
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Sonora Gear Drive

Sonora Gear Drive / Happy Hour

March 9, 2023

Come join us Friday, March 31, for a relaxed happy hour gathering at Tucson’s Westbound — just west of downtown in the MSA Annex. This is a chance to meet some…
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Agua de Enmedio

Coaliciones fronterizas por la justicia ambiental: dos casos

Esta es la primera de una serie de reflexiones sobre justicia ambiental de Mariana Sofia Rodriguez McGoffin, miembra de la junta directiva de Sky Island Alliance (ve Parte 1). Con sede…
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Agua de Enmedio

Border Coalitions for Environmental Justice: Two Cases

  This is the second in a series of reflections on environmental justice from Mariana Sofia Rodriguez McGoffin, a member of Sky Island Alliance’s board of directors (see Part 1)….
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White-tailed deer

Border BioBlitz: San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge

March 8, 2023

Calling birders, botanists, bug lovers, trackers, herpers, fungi folk, and naturalists of all sorts to join us for a Borderlands BioBlitz!