SIA Wildlife Camera Data Report – Preview

January 22, 2020

Currently I am wrapping up an analysis of all the wildlife camera data from our Wildlife Linkages Monitoring Program. The data analyzed here is from a combination of cameras that…
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Do you live near the border and want to help protect wildlife?

January 15, 2020

In 2019 Sky Island Alliance collected 9,600 photos of wildlife (2019 Top 10 photos). We want to make 2020 the year of 20,000 wildlife photos, and we need your help…
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Top 10 Wildlife Photos of 2019

December 31, 2019

During the course of 2019, Sky Island Alliance has collected 9600 photos of wildlife, 6645 of those came from cameras within 5 miles of the Border. This data was collected…
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Friday Creature Feature: Black-tailed Jackrabbit

December 27, 2019

Last week we highlighted the antelope jackrabbit (Lepus alleni). This week we will cover the other Lepus species that we get on our cameras, the Black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus). You…
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Friday Creature Feature: Badger

December 13, 2019

The badger, also known as the American badger (Taxidea taxus) are a member of the weasel family. They have tan and grey bodies, and a distinctive black and white striped…
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Friday Creature Feature: Greater roadrunner

December 6, 2019

The greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) is a striking and culturally famous bird of the southwest, from classic cartoons to local hockey teams. They are a member of the cuckoo family…
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Turkey Time in the Sky Islands!

November 28, 2019

On this day when turkeys are at the center of public attention, it is important to learn and remember the history of our own native turkey in the Sky Island…
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Another Tracking Workshop in the books!

November 5, 2019

Two weeks ago Sky Island Alliance hosted our Fall 2019 Tracking Workshop. We had a fabulous time with a group of 16 newly trained trackers. They quickly picked up the…
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Wildlife Tracking 101: A-what-a-grade?

October 16, 2019

Animals have evolved various form of locomotion to get around. Terrestrial animals have common three types of locomotion: plantigrade, digitigrade, and unguligrade. You can see an animal’s locomotion type in…
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Wildlife Tracking 101: Anatomy of a Track

October 9, 2019

To learn how to track you must first understand some basics of anatomy. If you can understand what part of the foot made that mark, and if you know terminology,…
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