Monsoons, Meso-carnivores, and Bears, Oh My! Two Months of Camera Data from the Coronado National Memorial

August 11, 2021

​A little over two months ago, Sky Island Alliance staff and intrepid volunteers extended our Border Wildlife Study east into the Coronado National Memorial in the Huachuca Mountains with Block…
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Photo Gallery: Wildlife and Weather in the Sky Island Region

July 13, 2021

Humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy a mountain sunset or a cool, misty afternoon. Through our array of Border Wildlife Study cameras, we’ve been lucky enough to detect various…
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Notes from the Field: Our First Look at the Wildlife in Coronado National Memorial

July 7, 2021

Last month, we placed five new wildlife cameras in Coronado National Memorial. These camera additions extend our Border Wildlife Study eastward into the zone where the border wall was extended…
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Sky Island Spotlight: Meet the Local Tucson Project that Studies Urban Bobcat Behavior

June 22, 2021

Photo Credit: Michael Baldwin Please enjoy this blog submitted by Kerry Baldwin from Bobcats in Tucson. Some of the original blog copy was altered by Sky Island Alliance for simplified…
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Notes From the Field: The Great Porcupine Search

June 10, 2021

A North American porcupine detected on one of our Border Wildlife Study cameras. Guest Blog by SIA Volunteer Alicia Stout It all started with a feeling: Porcupines. Look up for…
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Notes from the Field: Wildlife in San Antonio Canyon

May 18, 2021

Recently, Sky Island Alliance staff had the opportunity to take a group of reporters down to our Border Wildlife Study area so that they could see what’s at stake with the threat of…
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Estudio de la vida silvestre fronteriza: un año de conteo de especies

May 12, 2021

La región de las Islas del Cielo alberga una impresionante diversidad de especies de vida silvestre en este paisaje accidentado donde se entremezclan especies templadas y tropicales. Para documentar la…
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Border Wildlife Study: Measuring Nighttime Habitats

May 6, 2021

In April 2021, Sky Island Alliance and Round River Conservation Studies followed the Globe at Night methodology to measure the nighttime sky quality across the Border Wildlife Study site and…
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Border Wildlife Study: A Year of Counting Species

The Sky Island region is home to a tremendous diversity of wildlife species in this rugged landscape where temperate and tropical species intermix. To document the true diversity of a…
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Las Primeras Percepciones en FotoFauna de Sky Island sobre la Fauna Silvestre de la Región

April 15, 2021

Nuestra primera visión sobre la distribución de la diversidad de mamíferos y aves en la región de la Isla de Cielo ¡Está aquí! Desde que inició el proyecto FotoFauna de…
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