
Road Rewilding in the Huachucas

September 18, 2024

Join SIA as we physically decommission closed roads in the southern foothills of the Huachuca Mountains. We’ll be camouflaging roads with rocks and woody debris, reseeding native plants, building erosion-control…
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Road Rewilding in the Huachucas

July 26, 2024

Join SIA as we physically decommission closed roads in the southern foothills of the Huachuca Mountains. We’ll be camouflaging roads with rocks and woody debris, reseeding native plants, building erosion-control…
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Rewilding Roads for Wildlife: A Project Update

Several years ago, the Coronado National Forest made the decision to close about 160 miles of old roads within southern Arizona’s Sierra Vista District that no longer served the needs…
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Road rewilding survey map

FAQ for Coronado Road Decommissioning Project

April 15, 2024

Thanks to all who’ve expressed interest so far in Sky Island Alliance’s collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions regarding the work. Why…
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Road decommissioning

Road Decommissioning in the Huachucas

April 4, 2024

Join SIA as we physically decommission closed roads in the southern foothills of the Huachuca Mountains. We’ll be camouflaging roads with rocks and woody debris, reseeding native plants, building erosion-control…
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Road in Canelo Hills

Road Decommissioning Surveys: A How-To

October 31, 2023

In this Coffee Break from Oct. 31, 2023, SIA staff Bryon Lichtenhan and Sarah Truebe present on our new campaign to rewild old roads in the Coronado National Forest. They…
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Huachuca roads

A First Experience With Road Rewilding Surveys

October 27, 2023

Guest Blog by Eric Aldrich How excited was I to learn about Sky Island Alliance’s new campaign to survey decommissioned roads in the Coronado National Forest? Answer: stoked. This project…
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Road decommissioning

Coffee Break: Road Decommissioning Surveys

October 4, 2023

We’ve had a lot of interest in our new campaign to rewild old roads in the Huachucas and other parts of southern Arizona, and you can help! To learn more…
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Road in Canelo Hills

Ayuda a resilvestrar caminos viejos en el Coronado

September 21, 2023

Necesitamos tu ayuda para un proyecto en uno de los corredores de vida silvestre más importantes de las Islas del Cielo, un área que alberga una amplia gama de especies,…
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Road in Canelo Hills

Help Rewild Old Roads on the Coronado

We need your help for a project in one of the most important wildlife corridors in the Sky Islands — an area that’s home to a wide range of species,…
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