Taylor Lo

Taylor Lo: Historias de la semana del campamento

July 10, 2022

La semana pasada me embarqué en una gran aventura: la muy esperada semana de campamento para la pasantía Camino del Jaguar. Como una persona de una ciudad de la costa…
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Taylor Lo

Taylor Lo: Stories From Camp Week

  Last week I went on a great adventure: the highly anticipated camp week for the Path of the Jaguar internship. As a so-called East Coast “city slicker” with hardly…
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Nadira Mitchell

Nadira Mitchell: Historias de la semana del campamento

  Como alguien que nació y se crió en Tucson, Arizona, siempre he sido consciente de nuestra proximidad a la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Crecí en una ciudad…
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Nadira Mitchell

Nadira Mitchell: Stories From Camp Week

July 8, 2022

  As someone who was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, I’ve always been aware of our proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border. I grew up in a city and went…
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Great horned owl

Los beneficios de moverse tranquilamente por la naturaleza

June 7, 2022

Cuando voy a revisar las cámaras remota cerca de Agua Prieta, Sonora, siempre que salgo voy entusiasmado por lo que pueda ver durante el recorrido. Normalmente, para llegar al lugar…
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Great horned owl

The Benefits of Moving Quietly Through Nature

Whenever I go check remote cameras near Agua Prieta, Sonora, I get excited about what I might see during the trip. Normally, to get to the places where the cameras…
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Looking for wildlife tracks

Rastreo de vida silvestre en las tierras fronterizas

June 1, 2022

Hace dos semanas, cinco rastreadores con Sky Island Alliance fueron a la frontera a lo largo de las estribaciones occidentales de las montañas Patagonia de Arizona para documentar el uso…
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Looking for wildlife tracks

Wildlife Tracking in the Borderlands

Two weeks ago, five SIA trackers went down to the border along the western foothills of Arizona’s Patagonia Mountains to document wildlife use of the borderlands. We tracked along the…
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American Scar

“American Scar” — Virtual Screening + Q&A

May 5, 2022

On May 4, 2022, Sky Island Alliance and allies hosted a virtual screening of the border wall documentary “American Scar,” produced by The New Yorker. Watch the 13-minute documentary and…
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“American Scar” Virtual Screening and Panel Discussion

May 4, 2022

Sky Island Alliance, Wildlands Network, and Cuenca Los Ojos are leading conservation organizations working across the border in southern Arizona and northern Sonora. Together we invite you to a virtual…
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