Spring cleaning

‘Spring Cleaning’ Weed Removal at Tucson Springs

May 24, 2024

Sky Island Alliance is excited to announce the launch of a new campaign to remove invasive species at nine priority springs in the Tucson area. Over the next three years,…
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Help Survey Patagonia Springs Before New Mining Begins

July 10, 2023

We need to get eyes on springs in the Patagonia Mountains before pumping for a new mining project begins, so we can establish baseline data and better advocate for these…
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Agua de Enmedio

Erosion Control in the Sierra Los Ajos

May 22, 2023

Join us for a volunteer camping weekend at Sonora’s Rancho Agua de Enmedio — 15 miles south of Naco, Arizona. We’ll be creating loose rock structures to halt erosion, increase…
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Spring restoration

Erosion Control in the Catalinas

May 9, 2023

Join us for a volunteer camping weekend in the Santa Catalinas. We’ll be creating loose rock structures to halt erosion, increase water absorption, and support plant growth around Caseco Spring….
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Whetstone Mountains

Springs Restoration in the Whetstones

April 18, 2023

Join us for a day removing invasive species around McGrew Spring — a lovely, shaded oasis in southern Arizona’s Whetstone Mountains. If interested, there’s also an option to camp for…
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McGrew Spring

Springs Restoration in the Whetstones

September 6, 2022

McGrew Spring is a shady, secluded oasis in southern Arizona’s Whetstone Mountains. Closed to the public, the spring is more than two miles from any other water source and is…
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Junior Spring Seeker booklet

Nuevo libro de actividades para junior buscadores de manantiales

August 15, 2022

Read in English A principios de este año, trabajé con un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Arizona para desarrollar un recurso que presentaría a los niños el mundo…
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Junior Spring Seeker booklet

New Activity Book for Junior Spring Seekers

Leer en español Earlier this year I worked with a group of students at the University of Arizona to develop a resource that’d introduce kids to the wild world of…
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McGrew Spring restoration

Manantial restaurado con la ayuda de pasantes de verano

June 24, 2022

Especialista en mayordomía de SIA Bryon Lichtenhan y yo recientemente salimos al campo, encantados de estar acompañados por nuestras tres becarias de conservación Doris Duke: Taylor Lo, Samai Bhojwani y…
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McGrew Spring restoration

Summer Intern Stories: Spring Restoration

SIA Stewardship Specialist Bryon Lichtenhan and I recently headed out to the field, delighted to be accompanied by our three Doris Duke conservation scholars — Taylor Lo, Samai Bhojwani, and…
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