Aravaipa Canyon vinca removal

Aravaipa Canyon: Vinca Update

October 24, 2022

Work to remove invasive Vinca major (aka periwinkle or simply vinca) in southern Arizona’s spectacular Aravaipa Canyon has been ongoing since our last update in March 2022. In fact, we’ve…
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¡Felices fiestas, criaturas nocturnas!

A medida que se acerca Halloween, las imágenes de hombres lobo, chupacabras y todo tipo de otros fantasmas aterradores están en todas partes. Definitivamente en mi cabeza; tal vez en…
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Season’s Greetings, Nocturnal Creatures!

As Halloween approaches, images of werewolves, chupacabras, and all sorts of other scary-spookies are everywhere. Definitely in my head; maybe in yours. Throughout the year we here at Sky Island…
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Moctezuma festival

Galería de fotos: 1er Festival de las Islas del Cielo

October 20, 2022

El 14 y 15 de octubre, varios miembros de nuestro personal de ambos lados de la frontera se unieron en Moctezuma, Sonora, para el primer Festival de las Islas del…
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Moctezuma festival

Photo Gallery: 1st Festival of the Sky Islands

On Oct. 14-15 several of our staff from both sides of the border united in Moctezuma, Sonora, for the first annual Festival of the Sky Islands. So much fun! Thanks…
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Dark Skies Webinar

Help Document Dark Skies in the Sky Islands, Oct. 17-26

October 19, 2022

In this short talk, Sky Island Alliance staff discuss how artificial lighting threatens the region’s spectacular dark skies, as well as the diversity of life here that needs the dark…
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Dark Skies of the Sky Islands

Join the Challenge: Help Document Our Dark Skies

October 3, 2022

Join us for this special event in appreciation of the spectacular dark skies of the Sky Islands. We’ll explain how artificial lighting threatens the nocturnal environment that wildlife need to…
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Vinca pull in Aravaipa

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

September 26, 2022

Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve this fall for a fun and meaningful weekend with other volunteers. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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Velvet mesquite

Nuevos nombres para nuestros viejos amigos los mezquites

September 25, 2022

Si vives en las Islas del Cielo, es probable que hayas visto entre una y tres de nuestras especies locales de árboles de mezquite: mezquite de terciopelo, mezquite de miel…
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Velvet mesquite

New Names for Our Old Friends the Mesquites

If you live in the Sky Islands, you’ve likely seen anywhere from one to three of our local mesquite tree species — velvet mesquite, honey mesquite, and screwbean mesquite. They’re…
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