Putnam Wash spring

Nueva regla envía ondas a través de las aguas de EE. UU.

January 11, 2023

Al crecer en Tucson con el desierto de Arizona que lo rodea, cada vez que veía agua, ya sea en el Rillito en etapa de inundación o en el Cañón…
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Putnam Wash spring

New Rule Sends Ripples Through Waters of the U.S.

Growing up in Tucson with the surrounding Arizona desert, any time I saw water, whether it was in the Rillito at flood stage or Sabino Canyon year-round, I assumed it…
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Monica Montaño

El programa de Sonora continúa creciendo con nuevo rol

January 9, 2023

Mónica Montaño se unió a Sky Island Alliance en 2021 como pasante de verano y comenzó a trabajar con nosotros en nuestros proyectos de cámaras de vida silvestre. En su…
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Monica Montaño

Sonora Program Continues to Grow With New Role

Mónica Montaño joined Sky Island Alliance in 2021 as a summer intern and first started working with us on our wildlife-camera projects. In her current role, she is our full-time…
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Shipping containers at Arizona border

Arizona Border Update

January 6, 2023

Ring in the new year with us as we discuss the evolving situation with the state of Arizona’s illegal shipping-container wall on the Coronado National Forest. Our Program Director Emily…
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Vinca pull in Aravaipa

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

January 4, 2023

Join us over Memorial Day weekend for another volunteer camping trip in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the banks of the…
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Aravaipa Canyon

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

December 22, 2022

Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve this February for a fun and meaningful weekend with other volunteers. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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White-tailed deer

Reflexionando sobre nuestro trabajo en la frontera en 2022

December 21, 2022

Fue todo un año en la frontera entre Sonora y Arizona. Desde las enormes lluvias de verano que reverdecieron los pastizales de la zona hasta un muro ilegal de contenedores…
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White-tailed deer

Reflecting on Our Work at the Border in 2022

It was quite a year on the border between Sonora and Arizona. From huge summer rains that greened up the area’s grasslands to an illegal shipping-container wall that got pushed…
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White-tailed deer

Highlights From Our 3rd Annual FotoFauna Contest

December 15, 2022

On Dec. 15, 2022, we hosted our 3rd annual FotoFauna Contest, in which Sky Island Alliance supporters voted on best photos captured by our volunteers’ remote cameras. Watch the recording…
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