Star plant

Una salida a campo sonorense en temporada de lluvia

August 10, 2023

A mediados de julio pasado, tuve el gran placer de salir a checar cámaras remotas de vida silvestre en rancho Nuevo cerca de Moctezuma, Sonora. Me acompañó Marilu Peralta Aguilar, pasante…
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Star plant

A Sonoran Field Trip During the Rainy Season

In the middle of this past July, I had the great pleasure of going on an outing to check remote wildlife cameras at Rancho Nuevo near Moctezuma, Sonora. Joining me…
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Cave Creek Canyon

Chiricahua-Peloncillo Heritage Days

August 1, 2023

Join us for this two-day festival full of food, music, and fun in the heart of the Sky Islands. Highlights include professional presentations, live music, a farmer’s market, regional field…
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Catalina spring restoration

Erosion Control on North Slope of Catalinas

Join us for a day of building erosion-control structures near a priority drainage on the north slope of the Catalinas that was damaged in the 2020 Bighorn Fire. We’ll be…
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Critter Night at Tucson’s Mission Garden

Every year in August, Tucson’s Mission Garden invites experts from wildlife agencies, local nonprofits, and the University of Arizona to come teach about wildlife in our area. Some groups bring…
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Catalina spring restoration

Erosion Control at Green Spring in the Catalinas

Join us for a weekend of building erosion-control structures near Green Spring in the Santa Catalina Mountains. We’ll be getting dirty, bending, lifting, and digging with tools provided by SIA,…
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Historias de pasantes: primera vez en los pinos

July 19, 2023

Mi nombre es Estefani Moyers y soy de Cananea, Sonora, un pueblo minero al sur de la frontera con Arizona. Y esto es un poco de cómo fue mi primera…
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Intern Stories: First Time in the Pines

My name is Estefani Moyers, and I’m from Cananea, Sonora — a mining town just south of the Arizona border. And this is a bit of what my first experience…
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Mt. Lemmon

Native Plantings at Mint Spring & Busch Spring in the Catalinas

June 14, 2023

Join us for a weekend of planting native shrubs and wildflowers at two natural springs in the Santa Catalina Mountains. We’ll be getting dirty, bending, lifting, and digging with tools…
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Spring Seeking in the Patagonia Mountains

Join us in the field for a day of exploring natural springs in southern Arizona’s beautiful Patagonia Mountains. New Spring Seekers will be trained how to answer the survey questions,…
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