A New England/Sky Island Connection

March 2, 2022

Recently, we received a note from new supporter Joel Rhymer talking about his travels in Arizona as a teacher and thanking us for our work responding to Custom and Border…
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Field Notes: Reflecting on My First Trip to the Border Wildlife Study

February 1, 2022

“You might want gaiters,” suggested our Program Director Emily Burns a few days before my first trip to our Border Wildlife Study cameras in the Patagonia Mountains.​​ The suggestion caught…
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Celebrating 2021 on Our Border Wildlife Study Cameras

December 28, 2021

It’s hard to believe the Border Wildlife Study entered its second year in 2021, with over three million photos detected since March of 2020 and over 60,000 photos containing some…
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Acabamos de Tener Nuestro Primer Avistamiento de Serpientes en el Estudio de Vida Silvestre Fronteriza

September 16, 2021

El 11 de julio, casi 16 meses después del inicio de nuestro Estudio de Vida Silvestre Fronteriza, nuestras cámaras trampa detectaron la primera serpiente del estudio: ¡una Culebra chirrionera de Sonora (Masticophis bilineatus)! …
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Watch Six Weeks of Wildlife at the Border during Monsoon

August 26, 2021

I remember how loud the crunchy sound of extremely dry grass underfoot was in the San Rafael Valley near the U.S.-Mexico border earlier this year. For months, we had watched…
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Monsoons, Meso-carnivores, and Bears, Oh My! Two Months of Camera Data from the Coronado National Memorial

August 11, 2021

​A little over two months ago, Sky Island Alliance staff and intrepid volunteers extended our Border Wildlife Study east into the Coronado National Memorial in the Huachuca Mountains with Block…
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We just had Our First Border Wildlife Study Snake Sighting

August 10, 2021

On July 11, almost 16 months after the start of our Border Wildlife Study, our trail cameras detected the first snake of the study — a Sonoran whipsnake (Masticophis bilineatus)!…
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Photo Gallery: Wildlife and Weather in the Sky Island Region

July 13, 2021

Humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy a mountain sunset or a cool, misty afternoon. Through our array of Border Wildlife Study cameras, we’ve been lucky enough to detect various…
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Notes from the Field: Our First Look at the Wildlife in Coronado National Memorial

July 7, 2021

Last month, we placed five new wildlife cameras in Coronado National Memorial. These camera additions extend our Border Wildlife Study eastward into the zone where the border wall was extended…
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Notes From the Field: The Great Porcupine Search

June 10, 2021

A North American porcupine detected on one of our Border Wildlife Study cameras. Guest Blog by SIA Volunteer Alicia Stout It all started with a feeling: Porcupines. Look up for…
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