Come with us to check up on some native pond plantings and remove invasive cattails! SIA has partnered with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and Tom Biebighauser of Wetland Restoration and Training LLC to install ponds near the Muleshoe Ranch in the southern Galiuros to provide habitat for lowland leopard frogs, and potentially endangered... Read more »
Join SIA staff in Bear Canyon for a day of habitat restoration! Our work will focus on watering native plants that we've recently installed - helping them to get established until the relief of the monsoon rains come!
The weather is hot and dry. and this job will entail carrying water for some distance to our waiting plants, so volunteers should be in good physical condition, and comfortable hiking over uneven terrain.
Our Tracking Tuesday volunteer get-together is a chance for our current wildlife trackers to get questions answered, to review best practices for gathering data in the field, and to learn how they can use iNaturalist to improve our data set.
Help us repopulate a burned hillside at Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument with native plant species! Sky Island Alliance is teaming up with the National Park Service and Borderlands Restoration to restore a recently-burned slope near the main ruin loop at the Monument. Volunteers will be removing invasive plants that have moved into the site,... Read more »
Sky Island Alliance is putting together a team, or teams, to help out during The Nature Conservancy's annual wet-dry mapping of the San Pedro river. TNC coordinates this mapping annually, every 3rd Saturday of June with their local, industry, state and federal agency partners throughout the watershed. This year’s mapping is scheduled for Saturday, June 16th.
Join SIA staff in Bear Canyon for a day of habitat restoration! Our work will focus on watering native plants that we've recently installed - helping them to get established until the relief of the monsoon rains come!
The weather is hot and dry. and this job will entail carrying water for some distance to our waiting plants, so volunteers should be in good physical condition, and comfortable hiking over uneven terrain.
Sky Island Alliance has been helping TNC and the BLM in Aravaipa Canyon for several years on a variety of projects to increase watershed health along this perennial riparian area. During this trip we are continuing our work to remove the invasive plant vinca (or periwinkle) from the understory of the creek banks. This work is part of our long-term goal of eradicating vinca from the entire canyon!
SIA has taken on a project to help the Coronado National Forest inventory and assess water resources in the Galiuro, Miller Peak, Rincon, Chiricahua, Mt. Wrightson, Pajarita, and Santa Teresa Wilderness Areas. This weekend, we will be working to assess springs and other water resources in the Chiricahua Wilderness.