The Sonoran Desert: A Bee Diversity Hotspot

Did you know that the Sonoran Desert is a hotspot of bee diversity, home to more than 1,000 species!? How many of these can you name? In this virtual Coffee Break, we’re joined by Kim Franklin, associate director of conservation at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. She takes us on a tour of our region’s incredible bee diversity and shares some of the threats to their survival and small things each of us can do to help them thrive. 

Important Links

Several links were mentioned during the talk. Kim discussed her work with the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and Tucson Bee Collaborative. You can also join Tucson Bee Collaborative’s project on iNaturalist. For more great resources, check out the Wild Bees of Texas website and this feature on insect photography, plus a couple of books: The Bees in Your Backyard and Common Bees of Western North America.