90 Days and 71 Species at the Border

July 24, 2020

Sky Island Alliance staff and volunteers deployed trail cameras along 34 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border in early March 2020. Our mission was to document the wildlife community living in…
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Destructive Border Wall Construction Accelerates in the Sky Islands

July 14, 2020

It’s been a difficult month in the borderlands, as COVID-19 cases soar in Arizona, and border wall construction continues at breakneck speed tearing through rugged, protected lands, and Native American sacred sites. Border wall construction is destroying large swaths of National Monuments, National Wildlife Refuges and…
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Sky Island Coffee Break: Border Wildlife Study 90-Day Report

July 13, 2020

Register for the Zoom Link Here Join us as we share new results from the first 90 days of our Border Wildlife Study documenting species in the path of the…
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¡Las Primeras Imágenes del Estudio de Fauna Fronteriza en México!

July 7, 2020

Naturalia, nuestro socio en México, está colaborando con nosotros en el estudio binacional de fauna fronteriza. Desde marzo de este año, hemos capturado fotos y video las 24 horas, los…
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First Border Wildlife Study Photos from Mexico

Naturalia, our partner in Mexico, is collaborating with us on our binational Border Wildlife Study (BWS). Since early March of this year, we have captured photos and video 24/7 of…
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Friday Fauna Feature: Animals Immediately Return after Fire at the Border

June 19, 2020

On May 31, 2020, lightning ignited a wildfire in the San Rafael Valley near the U.S.-Mexico border at one of Border Wildlife Study camera sites. After several days, the fire reached our wildlife camera as it burned across about 400…
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Springs—Oases of the future?

June 10, 2020

Last week, a new paper in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment by Jennifer Cartwright and colleagues (including Sky Island Alliance’s very own Sami Hammer and Louise Misztal) was published that describes the inspiring potential for springs to provide refuge for a…
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Friday Creature Feature: Chiricahua Leopard Frog

May 15, 2020

On this Endangered Species Day, we celebrate the Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis) and efforts to protect this Sky Island endemic species. Being an endemic means that they are only…
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Friday Creature Feature: Bobcat

February 28, 2020

The bobcat (Lynx rufus) can be found all throughout the United States, Mexico, and Southern Canada. Like the coyote, the bobcat is adaptable and can be found in many habitat…
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Cómo los datos de cámaras trampa pueden cambiar ley

February 20, 2020

La carretera 2 en el norte de Sonora, México, es una de las principales barreras que previene a la vida silvestre moverse entre el norte y el sur en la…
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