Vinca pull in Aravaipa

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

September 23, 2022

Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve this fall for a fun and meaningful weekend with other volunteers. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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Un encuentro inolvidable con las luciérnagas de Arizona

September 19, 2022

Blog invitado y fotos de Julius Schlosburg En la costa este, muchos de nosotros crecimos atrapando luciérnagas. Las contendríamos en frascos o en nuestras manos, quedándonos dormidos con el olor…
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An Unforgettable Encounter With Arizona Fireflies

Guest Blog and Photos by Julius Schlosburg On the East Coast many of us grew up catching fireflies or “lightning bugs.” We’d contain them in jars or in our hands,…
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Whitelined sphinxmoth

Marvelous Monsoon Hawkmoths

September 7, 2022

Guest Blog by Justin Schmidt and Jillian Cowles We take for granted in the Sky Islands that the summer monsoons bring flowers. But beautiful flowers as we know them today…
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Aravaipa Canyon

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

September 2, 2022

Want to do something fun and meaningful this Labor Day weekend? Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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Pat Cicero

Voluntario Destacado: Pat Cicero

August 25, 2022

¡Por favor, presentate! ¿De dónde eres y a qué te dedicas? Gracias por darme esta oportunidad de compartir ideas con Sky Island Alliance. Soy Patrick Cicero, un nativo de Tucson…
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Pat Cicero

Volunteer Spotlight: Pat Cicero

  Please introduce yourself! Where are you from, and what do you do? Thanks for giving me this opportunity to share insights with Sky Island Alliance. I’m Patrick Cicero, a…
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Junior Spring Seeker booklet

Nuevo libro de actividades para junior buscadores de manantiales

August 15, 2022

Read in English A principios de este año, trabajé con un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Arizona para desarrollar un recurso que presentaría a los niños el mundo…
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Junior Spring Seeker booklet

New Activity Book for Junior Spring Seekers

Leer en español Earlier this year I worked with a group of students at the University of Arizona to develop a resource that’d introduce kids to the wild world of…
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Agua Caliente Trail

Caminatas en las Islas del Cielo: Agua Caliente Hill

August 12, 2022

Lo siguiente es parte de una serie de caminatas recomendadas en las Islas del Cielo. Cuídate, diviértete y no dejes rastro.  En la esquina noreste de Tucson, el sendero de Agua…
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