Border wall painting

A Work of Art Inspired by the Border Wall

November 29, 2022

In August 2022 our Sonoran Springs Specialist Ángel Garcia, originally from Esqueda, Sonora, decided to follow his dream of studying dance and arts in Mexicali, Baja California, for which he…
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Arizona Border Briefing

Arizona Border Briefing

October 26, 2022

Join us for a briefing on the state of Arizona’s illegal plan to barricade more of the U.S.-Mexico border with shipping containers on federal land. The newest container drop site…
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¡Felices fiestas, criaturas nocturnas!

October 24, 2022

A medida que se acerca Halloween, las imágenes de hombres lobo, chupacabras y todo tipo de otros fantasmas aterradores están en todas partes. Definitivamente en mi cabeza; tal vez en…
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Season’s Greetings, Nocturnal Creatures!

As Halloween approaches, images of werewolves, chupacabras, and all sorts of other scary-spookies are everywhere. Definitely in my head; maybe in yours. Throughout the year we here at Sky Island…
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Milky Way

Ayuda a documentar cielos oscuros, Oct. 17-26

October 3, 2022

Tenemos un desafío divertido para ti que consiste en salir al aire libre a finales de este mes y tomar una medida simple de qué tan oscuro está el cielo…
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Dark Skies of the Sky Islands

Join the Challenge: Help Document Our Dark Skies

Join us for this special event in appreciation of the spectacular dark skies of the Sky Islands. We’ll explain how artificial lighting threatens the nocturnal environment that wildlife need to…
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Milky Way

Join the Challenge: Help Document Dark Skies, Oct. 17-26

We’ve got a fun challenge for you that involves going outdoors and taking a simple measurement of how dark the sky is around you. Our goal is to document the…
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Coyotes in wash

A Big Month for Coyotes

September 28, 2022

When reviewing photos from Sky Island Alliance’s FotoFauna wildlife cameras each month, I always get excited to see which species will show up and what story they’ll tell. Recently it…
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Coyotes in wash

Un gran mes para los coyotes

Cuando reviso las fotos de las cámaras de vida silvestre FotoFauna de Sky Island Alliance cada mes, siempre me emociona ver qué especies aparecerán y qué historia contarán. Recientemente todo…
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Vinca pull in Aravaipa

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

September 26, 2022

Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve this fall for a fun and meaningful weekend with other volunteers. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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