Hog-nosed skunk

Skunks of the Sky Islands

October 5, 2023

Did you know that the Sky Island region has four different skunk species? Check out this virtual Coffee Break hosted by SIA Wildlife Specialist Meagan Bethel to learn more about…
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Aravaipa Creek

Arizona Water Law 101

September 14, 2023

In this virtual Coffee Break from Sept. 14, 2023, presenter Michael Van Alsburg, a Tucson lawyer who grew up in southern Arizona and who’s currently co-chair of Sky Island Alliance’s…
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Coffee Break: Arizona Water Law 101

Coffee Break: Arizona Water Law

August 23, 2023

Join us for our next virtual Coffee Break on one of the most important topics in our region: water. Our presenter will be Michael Van Alsburg, a Tucson lawyer who…
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Ayuda a inspeccionar manantiales en las montañas Patagonia antes de una nueva minería

July 10, 2023

Actualización de julio de 2024: El Departamento de Calidad Ambiental de Arizona emitió el permiso de descarga para la mina Hermosa después de un período inicial de comentarios sobre el…
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Help Survey Patagonia Springs Before New Mining

July 2024 Update: The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has issued the discharge permit for the Hermosa Mine after an initial scoping comment period, increasing the urgency of our need…
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Monsoon rainfall in Sky Islands

New Maps to Track Monsoon Rain in the Sky Islands

July 6, 2023

It’s fast approaching our favorite time of year again — when the desert springs to life with the onset of monsoon rains. Although the projections for 2023 are that the…
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Santa Ritas

Support Historic Bill to Reform U.S. Mining Law

June 22, 2023

A new bill has been introduced in Congress that would overhaul the 1872 Mining Law and at last bring the U.S. into the 21st century — ready to meet the…
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Santa Ritas

Support Historic Bill to Reform U.S. Mining Law

A new bill has been introduced in Congress that would overhaul the 1872 Mining Law and at last bring the U.S. into the 21st century — ready to meet the…
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Gila topminnows

Coffee Break: The Future of Arizona’s Smallest Native Fish

April 17, 2023

Join us for a virtual Coffee Break to learn more about the biology, history, and recovery of native fish in Arizona, with an emphasis on topminnows and pupfish. The talk…
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Map of 2023 conservation projects

Proyectos de conservación en marcha en primavera de 2023

March 31, 2023

Hemos llegado a un punto emocionante aquí en Sky Island Alliance donde nuestros proyectos en Arizona y Sonora están tomando nueva forma y creciendo, y queríamos compartir una actualización de…
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