Saguaro vista

Saguaro Stewardship Experience

September 12, 2023

Join us at Saguaro National Park for a day of activities including invasive species removal, plant and animal ID, fencing removal, and reseeding. Part one of six in this volunteer…
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Wildlife-friendly fencing

Wildlife-Friendly Fence Installation in Huachucas

August 1, 2023

Help us complete new wildlife-friendly fencing around an old cattle tank to protect water for wildlife at the edge of the beautiful San Rafael Valley. We’ll be camping in Scotia…
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Help Survey Patagonia Springs Before New Mining Begins

July 10, 2023

We need to get eyes on springs in the Patagonia Mountains before pumping for a new mining project begins, so we can establish baseline data and better advocate for these…
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Agua de Enmedio

Erosion Control in the Sierra Los Ajos

May 22, 2023

Join us for a volunteer camping weekend at Sonora’s Rancho Agua de Enmedio — 15 miles south of Naco, Arizona. We’ll be creating loose rock structures to halt erosion, increase…
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Spring restoration

Erosion Control in the Catalinas

May 9, 2023

Join us for a volunteer camping weekend in the Santa Catalinas. We’ll be creating loose rock structures to halt erosion, increase water absorption, and support plant growth around Caseco Spring….
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Whetstone Mountains

Springs Restoration in the Whetstones

April 18, 2023

Join us for a day removing invasive species around McGrew Spring — a lovely, shaded oasis in southern Arizona’s Whetstone Mountains. If interested, there’s also an option to camp for…
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Volunteer happy hour

Volunteer Celebration / Happy Hour

April 17, 2023

Come join us Monday, May 8, for a relaxed happy hour gathering at Tucson’s Westbound — just west of downtown in the MSA Annex. We’ll be celebrating all our volunteers,…
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Sky Island FotoFauna Gathering

March 7, 2023

A fun FotoFauna gathering for all who are interested. We’ll gather and discuss the program and how it helped recent wins at the border.

White-tailed deer and fawn

Coffee Break: Border Wildlife Study 3rd Anniversary

March 1, 2023

Join us for a Border Wildlife Study update on the last three years of wildlife activity along 30 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border in southeast Arizona. Our team will share…
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Mexico interns

Sky Island Alliance y la cultura de conservación en Sonora

February 16, 2023

On Feb. 16, 2023, Sky Island Alliance program staff shared more about the range of upcoming projects we have planned in Sonora and ways supporters can volunteer. Learn more in…
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