Seeking Sky Island Springs

July 13, 2020

Join us for this Coffee Break with Sky Island Alliance staff Emily Burns and Sami Hammer to learn about how springs bring life to the Sky Island region and what…
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Sky Island Coffee Break: Be a Spring Seeker

July 8, 2020

Register for the Webinar Here Calling all Sky Island volunteers and hikers! During this webinar, learn how to collect valuable information on the health of springs across the Sky Island region independently….
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Sky Island Coffee Break: Seeking Sky Island Springs

June 30, 2020

Register Here Join the next Coffee Break with Sky Island Alliance staff Emily Burns and Sami Hammer to learn about how springs bring life to the Sky Island region and what it will…
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Springs and the Bighorn Fire

June 17, 2020

On June 5, 2020, lightning ignited the Bighorn Fire which continues to burn this week across the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson. Fire is a natural and necessary component…
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Springs—Oases of the future?

June 10, 2020

Last week, a new paper in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment by Jennifer Cartwright and colleagues (including Sky Island Alliance’s very own Sami Hammer and Louise Misztal) was published that describes the inspiring potential for springs to provide refuge for a…
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Friday Creature Feature: Chiricahua Leopard Frog

May 15, 2020

On this Endangered Species Day, we celebrate the Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis) and efforts to protect this Sky Island endemic species. Being an endemic means that they are only…
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Charting the Waters of the Mexican Sky Islands 

May 13, 2020

“The drainage that comes out of a rock, a crack in the rock, does not give you the option to look for the largest source of water, or for a…
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Sky Island SPOTlight: Kartchner Caverns State Park

February 24, 2020

Kartchner Caverns State Park is a limestone cave that was explored in 1974 and became an official Arizona State Park in 1999. With 2.4 miles of passages, the cave is…
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Volunteer Dispatch: Sourcing Devotion: The art of nature, a sublime Sky Island natural spring, pt. 5

June 11, 2018

by Valarie lee James, Sky Island Alliance Adopt-a-Spring volunteer Sky Island Alliance Volunteer Log Springtime 2018 Visit to the Spring “Nature is the Art of God.” – Dante Had we…
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Volunteer Dispatch: Ecology as contemplative practice, pt. 4

March 21, 2018

by Valarie lee James, Sky Island Alliance Adopt-a-Spring volunteer “Darwin’s manner of deep watchfulness allowed the ordinary ground of life to become sanctified, to be brought into Sensus plenoir—a fuller…
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