
Survey Springs in the Pajarita Wilderness

October 16, 2023

Join us for a weekend of surveying springs in the Atascosa Mountains’ Pajarita Wilderness. We’ll be car camping each night in the old mining town of Ruby, Arizona.

Catalina springs restoration

Erosion Control in the Catalinas

October 3, 2023

Join us for a day of building erosion-control structures near Caseco Spring in the Catalinas. The spring is a key source of water for wildlife but needs some love after…
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Catalina spring restoration

Erosion Control on North Slope of Catalinas

August 1, 2023

Join us for a day of building erosion-control structures near a priority drainage on the north slope of the Catalinas that was damaged in the 2020 Bighorn Fire. We’ll be…
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Catalina spring restoration

Erosion Control at Green Spring in the Catalinas

Join us for a weekend of building erosion-control structures near Green Spring in the Santa Catalina Mountains. We’ll be getting dirty, bending, lifting, and digging with tools provided by SIA,…
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Help Survey Patagonia Springs Before New Mining Begins

July 10, 2023

We need to get eyes on springs in the Patagonia Mountains before pumping for a new mining project begins, so we can establish baseline data and better advocate for these…
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Ayuda a inspeccionar manantiales en las montañas Patagonia antes de una nueva minería

Actualización de julio de 2024: El Departamento de Calidad Ambiental de Arizona emitió el permiso de descarga para la mina Hermosa después de un período inicial de comentarios sobre el…
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Help Survey Patagonia Springs Before New Mining

July 2024 Update: The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has issued the discharge permit for the Hermosa Mine after an initial scoping comment period, increasing the urgency of our need…
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Mt. Lemmon

Native Plantings at Mint Spring & Busch Spring in the Catalinas

June 14, 2023

Join us for a weekend of planting native shrubs and wildflowers at two natural springs in the Santa Catalina Mountains. We’ll be getting dirty, bending, lifting, and digging with tools…
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Spring Seeking in the Patagonia Mountains

Join us in the field for a day of exploring natural springs in southern Arizona’s beautiful Patagonia Mountains. New Spring Seekers will be trained how to answer the survey questions,…
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Gila topminnows

The Future of Arizona’s Smallest Native Fish

May 4, 2023

In this virtual Coffee Break from May 4, 2023, biologist Betsy Grube with the Arizona Fish and Game Department presents on the future of the state’s smallest native fish. She…
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