Border wall painting

A Work of Art Inspired by the Border Wall

November 29, 2022

In August 2022 our Sonoran Springs Specialist Ángel Garcia, originally from Esqueda, Sonora, decided to follow his dream of studying dance and arts in Mexicali, Baja California, for which he…
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Esqueda Festival

Festival in Esqueda, Sonora

November 16, 2022

This Nov. 24-25 the town of Esqueda, Sonora, will host its first annual conservation festival. So come join us and help celebrate our region’s biodiversity and culture in a beautiful…
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Happy Hour

Sky Island Alliance Happy Hour

November 9, 2022

Take a break from holiday cooking and join us this Giving Tuesday, Nov. 29, for a relaxed happy hour gathering at Tucson’s Westbound — just west of downtown in the…
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Mapping work in the Sky Islands

Galería de fotos: Creación de equipos en Naco, Sonora

November 7, 2022

El 4 de noviembre, varios miembros de nuestro personal de EE. UU. y México se reunieron en Naco, Sonora, para formar un equipo, planificar a gran escala y convivir con…
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Mapping work in the Sky Islands

Photo Gallery: Team Building in Naco, Sonora

On Nov. 4 several of our U.S. and Mexico staff met up in Naco, Sonora, for some team building, big-picture planning, and, of course, tasty treats! So much fun. For…
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Shipping containers

Arizona Border Briefing

November 1, 2022

On Oct. 5, 2022, shipping containers were first observed on federal land within the Coronado National Forest in the southern Huachuca Mountains — right in the heart of our Border…
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Arizona Border Briefing

Arizona Border Briefing

October 26, 2022

Join us for a briefing on the state of Arizona’s illegal plan to barricade more of the U.S.-Mexico border with shipping containers on federal land. The newest container drop site…
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Bufflegrass saguaro

Cómo convertirse en ecologista (por accidente)

October 25, 2022

Inicié con el activismo en 2017 no por diseño sino principalmente por estar en el lugar correcto en el momento correcto. Yo era ingeniero informático de oficio y formaba parte…
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Bufflegrass saguaro

How to Become an Environmentalist (By Accident)

I started with activism in 2017 not by grand design but mostly by just being in the right place at the right time. I was a computer engineer by trade…
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Aravaipa Canyon vinca removal

Cañón Aravaipa: Actualización de vinca

October 24, 2022

El trabajo para eliminar la invasiva Vinca major (también conocida como bígaro o simplemente vinca) en el espectacular Cañón Aravaipa del sur de Arizona ha estado en curso desde nuestra…
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