Swift trail

Sky Island Hikes: An Amble-Scramble Among Mount Graham’s Aspens

June 27, 2024

Guest Blog by Wynne Brown The following is part of a series of recommended Sky Island hikes. Be safe, have fun, and leave no trace. One hundred-and-hot. Yup, that phrase pretty well…
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FotoFauna Lending Library Kickoff in Douglas

June 26, 2024

During this presentation, participants will learn about SIA’s FotoFauna program and how they can participate in this community science project through the Douglas Public Library. Patrons can check out a wildlife camera kit from the library and submit an online monthly checklist of species they observe. This data will help SIA and partners study when and where wildlife is present so we can better protect their habitats and pathways.

Southwest spring firefly

Coffee Break: Searching for the Southwest Spring Firefly

June 24, 2024

Join us for our next virtual Coffee Break to learn more about the Southwest spring firefly, a nocturnal species associated with permanent streams and marshy areas in the Sky Islands and surrounding foothills of southern Arizona and New Mexico. This rare and imperiled firefly is currently under review for Endangered Species Act listing. For this talk, we’ll be joined by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist Rachel Laura and Xerces Society biologist Candace Fallon. They’ll discuss this firefly’s life history and the threats it faces, efforts to map its distribution, current research and conservation needs, and the ESA listing process.

Spring cleaning

‘Spring Cleaning’ Weed Removal at Tucson Springs

June 21, 2024

Join our campaign to remove invasive species at nine priority springs in the Tucson area. Together, we can restore these crucial wildlife oases! We’ll meet every Tuesday morning and be working mostly in the Sabino Canyon area on the northeast side of town and near Vail and Davidson Canyon on the southeast side. Stay as long as you like, and leave for work if you need to. This is a great way to create an impact, get in a workout, and meet other volunteers.


Coffee Break: Porcupines in the Sky Island Borderlands

June 20, 2024

In this virtual Coffee Break, SIA Wildlife Specialist Meagan Bethel presents on an often overlooked species in the Sky Islands: porcupines. North American porcupines are found across Arizona, but little…
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Catalina springs restoration

Erosion Control in the Catalinas

June 7, 2024

Join us up on Mt. Lemmon for a weekend of camping at Spencer Canyon and help build erosion-control structures. Our goal is to slow down precious water, so it can…
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Porcupine in the San Rafael Valley

Coffee Break: Porcupines in the Sky Island Borderlands

June 5, 2024

North American porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) are found across Arizona, but little is known about their distribution in the Sky Island region, and public perception is that porcupines do not live in the borderlands at all. Join SIA Wildlife Specialist Meagan Bethel for our next virtual Coffee Break to learn more about these fascinating creatures, surprising detections on our Border Wildlife Study cameras, and their documented crossing of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Bisbee Talk on Binational Conservation

We’re deeply committed to protecting the Sky Islands. But what does it truly mean to live and operate in a binational landscape that differs culturally/politically and is divided by physical barriers? Join us for a special talk at Bisbee’s Copper Queen Library to learn more. Our Mexico Program Director Zach Palma will present, and it’s a chance to learn more about efforts to build ecological resilience in our region.

Spine-tipped dancers

‘Spring Cleaning’ Weed Removal at Tucson Springs

May 31, 2024

Join our campaign to remove invasive species at nine priority springs in the Tucson area. Together, we can restore these crucial wildlife oases! We’ll meet every Tuesday morning and be working mostly in the Sabino Canyon area on the northeast side of town and near Vail and Davidson Canyon on the southeast side. Stay as long as you like, and leave for work if you need to. This is a great way to create an impact, get in a workout, and meet other volunteers.

McGrew Spring

Tucson ‘Spring Cleaning’

Join our campaign to remove invasive species at nine priority springs in the Tucson area. Together, we can restore these crucial wildlife oases! We’ll meet every Tuesday morning and be working mostly in the Sabino Canyon area on the northeast side of town and near Vail and Davidson Canyon on the southeast side. Stay as long as you like, and leave for work if you need to. This is a great way to create an impact, get in a workout, and meet other volunteers.