Lesser long-nosed bat approaching an agave.

Flying Connections: The Story of Lesser Long-Nosed Bats and Agaves in the Sky Islands

September 24, 2024

Guest blog by Axhel Muñoz Great charismatic mammals like the jaguar and ocelot grace the Sky Island mountains of Sonora and Arizona, but there are other endearing creatures that inhabit…
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Love Bats? This Fall, Help Us Monitor Their Activity

September 21, 2021

At some point over the summer, did you wake up to discover that your hummingbird feeder had been drained and emptied seemingly overnight? If so, how exciting! You may have…
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Friday Creature Feature: Lesser Long-Nosed Bat

September 17, 2020

For this week’s Friday creature feature, let’s take a closer look at the lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae), one of the Sonoran Desert’s most important pollinator species for plants like agave…
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