Set Up Your Own Backyard Wildlife Camera
August 19, 2020If you want to see animals roam through your own corner of the Sky Islands 24/7, learn how to set up a wildlife camera in your own backyard. Join us…
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Consejos y trucos para identificar fotos de vida silvestre
February 15, 2020No todas nuestras imágenes de vida silvestre son dignas de Instagram, nuestras cámaras toman decenas de miles de fotos cada año y la mayoría de ellas son muy difíciles de…
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Tips and Tricks to ID wildlife photos
February 12, 2020Not all of our wildlife images are Instagram worthy, our cameras take tens of thousands of photos each year and the majority of them are just of animals moving about…
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Cómo instalamos cámaras trampa
January 21, 2020Las cámaras trampa son una herramienta útil para estudiar la vida silvestre de manera no invasiva y responder muchas preguntas sobre el comportamiento de la vida silvestre, la ocupación, la…
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How we set up our wildlife cameras
January 18, 2020Wildlife cameras are a useful tool to study wildlife in a non-invasive approach and answer many questions about wildlife behavior, occupancy, abundance, and land usage. At Sky Island Alliance, we use wildlife cameras to gather crucial data on wildlife species in…
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