Skunks of the Sky Islands

Coffee Break: Skunks of the Sky Islands

September 12, 2023

Did you know that the Sky Island region has four different skunk species? Come learn all about this family of stinkin’ cute creatures during our next virtual Coffee Break, hosted…
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Saguaro vista

Saguaro Stewardship Experience

Join us at Saguaro National Park for a day of activities including invasive species removal, plant and animal ID, fencing removal, and reseeding. Part one of six in this volunteer…
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Art in the Park

August 23, 2023

Join us for this free, family-friendly event — the first in a series hosted by Saguaro National Park. Each event will feature a different aspect of our Sonoran desert and…
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Coffee Break: Arizona Water Law 101

Coffee Break: Arizona Water Law

Join us for our next virtual Coffee Break on one of the most important topics in our region: water. Our presenter will be Michael Van Alsburg, a Tucson lawyer who…
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Wildlife-friendly fencing

Wildlife-Friendly Fence Installation in Huachucas

August 1, 2023

Help us complete new wildlife-friendly fencing around an old cattle tank to protect water for wildlife at the edge of the beautiful San Rafael Valley. We’ll be camping in Scotia…
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Catalina spring restoration

Erosion Control on North Slope of Catalinas

Join us for a day of building erosion-control structures near a priority drainage on the north slope of the Catalinas that was damaged in the 2020 Bighorn Fire. We’ll be…
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Critter Night at Tucson’s Mission Garden

Every year in August, Tucson’s Mission Garden invites experts from wildlife agencies, local nonprofits, and the University of Arizona to come teach about wildlife in our area. Some groups bring…
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Catalina spring restoration

Erosion Control at Green Spring in the Catalinas

Join us for a weekend of building erosion-control structures near Green Spring in the Santa Catalina Mountains. We’ll be getting dirty, bending, lifting, and digging with tools provided by SIA,…
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Mt. Lemmon

Native Plantings at Mint Spring & Busch Spring in the Catalinas

June 14, 2023

Join us for a weekend of planting native shrubs and wildflowers at two natural springs in the Santa Catalina Mountains. We’ll be getting dirty, bending, lifting, and digging with tools…
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Spring Seeking in the Patagonia Mountains

Join us in the field for a day of exploring natural springs in southern Arizona’s beautiful Patagonia Mountains. New Spring Seekers will be trained how to answer the survey questions,…
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