Pinacate beetle

Criatura destacada: escarabajos pinacate

July 28, 2023

Con la temporada del monzón en marcha aquí en las Islas del Cielo, los escarabajos están por todas partes. Recientemente, me hizo pensar en uno de mis favoritos, que pertenece…
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Pinacate beetle

Creature Feature: Pinacate Beetles

With monsoon season underway here in the Sky Islands, beetles are all about. Recently, it got me thinking about one of my favorites, which is in the family of darkling…
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Criatura destacada: Coatí de nariz blanca

November 22, 2022

El coatí de nariz blanca (Nasua narica) es un mamífero omnívoro de tamaño mediano. Puede encontrarlos en las montañas y áreas ribereñas de las Islas del Cielo. El coatí se…
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Hog-nosed skunk

Friday Fauna Feature: Hog-nosed Skunk

May 24, 2022

Written by Aleidys López Romero No, they don’t ‘oink, oink.’ But yes! they do have special powers and many endearing qualities. It’s the long, bare nose of American hog-nosed skunks…
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Friday Creature Feature: Black Bear

April 22, 2021

What marks spring in the Sky Islands better than the sight of bears coming out of hibernation*? In honor of this species — a harbinger of warmer months and blooming flora…
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Creature Feature: Gould’s Turkey

November 20, 2020

For today’s Creature Feature, we’re highlighting the Gould’s turkey, a subspecies of wild turkey that’s native to Arizona and slowly returning to our mountain ecosystems after being overhunted. So instead of eating this turkey for…
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Friday Creature Feature: Turkey Vulture

September 25, 2020

Our bird of focus for this week’s creature feature is the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura). Despite the name, turkey vultures are more vulture than turkey—they belong to the vulture family—and…
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Friday Creature Feature: Lesser Long-Nosed Bat

September 17, 2020

For this week’s Friday creature feature, let’s take a closer look at the lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae), one of the Sonoran Desert’s most important pollinator species for plants like agave…
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Friday Creature Feature: Hooded skunk

May 22, 2020

  Today’s Friday Creature Feature is the hooded skunk (Mephitis macroura). This little creature has been captured on Sky Island Alliance cameras as part of the Border Wildlife Study and…
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Friday Creature Feature: Chiricahua Leopard Frog

May 15, 2020

On this Endangered Species Day, we celebrate the Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis) and efforts to protect this Sky Island endemic species. Being an endemic means that they are only…
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