Help Sky Island Alliance and the Sabino Springs HOA recover a remarkable spring oasis in the Sabino Springs neighborhood of East Tucson.

Invasive Arundo, or giant reed, has choked out native plants and diminished the spring flow for decades. Sabino Spring neighbors and other volunteers have already contributed more than 570 hours to clear Arundo out of the first 30% of the site to enhance native habitat for plants and wildlife. It’s time to finish clearing the rest of the Arundo to let the spring water rise back to the surface, and we need your help!

What will my contribution be used for?

For $250, we can remove one ton of cut Arundo from the site.

For $500, you can sponsor a local student group to help clear Arundo.

For $1,000, you can sponsor heavy equipment operators to excavate Arundo roots so the plant can’t grow back.

For $5,000, you can sponsor a week of restoration activities to accelerate the recovery of this peaceful spring.

Have questions about the work? Please contact program director Emily Burns or Sarah Truebe.

Sky Island Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization — Tax ID #86-0796748. You can support our work with a check or credit card donation directed to: Sky Island Alliance, P.O. Box 41165, Tucson, AZ 85717-1165. For more information, please contact Amy Amoroso at (520) 624-7080 ext. 77 or by email at [email protected]

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