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“Springs” Break Backpack

Galiuro Mountains AZ

For several years Sky Island Alliance has been working to document springs and their surrounding ecosystems in the Sky Islands. We are planning a backpacking expedition into the Galiuro Mountains, one of the least documented of the Arizona Sky Islands, from March 2-8 to continue our springs assessments and water rights validations for the Forest Service. Due to the current government shutdown, there are still some particulars that need to be determined before everything is entirely nailed down (for instance the dates could shift a day or two), but we want to start getting interested folks in the loop.


Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal: March

Aravaipa Canyon - East Aravaipa

We had to reschedule our February vinca pulling trip due to sloppy wet roads in the canyon, so you get another chance to go out to this amazingly beautiful place. Join us as we work to clear vinca right along the banks of Aravaipa Creek! We will be wading in and out of the water throughout each day; getting dirty and getting wet. This work is part of our long-term goal of removing vinca from the entire canyon!
