If you've been working in Bear Canyon with us recently, you know that we have been working hard to remove invasive grasses from the allong the creek, and planting native plants that will benefit wildlife in our wake. Now we need to make sure our new additions to the canyon are able to get established! Come out and help us hold the space we've cleared of invasive fountain grass!
Have you been wanting to take your involvement in our Wildlife Linkage Program a step further and help us determine different ways of presenting and analyzing your wildlife tracking and camera data? We heard this interest at our March 1st Wildlife Stewards Meet-Up, so now is your chance!
Our inaugural Tracking Tuesday volunteer get-together will be a chance for our current wildlife trackers to get questions answered, to review best practices for gathering data in the field, and to learn how they can use iNaturalist to improve our data set.
If you've been working in Bear Canyon with us recently, you know that we have been working hard to remove invasive grasses from the allong the creek, and planting native plants that will benefit wildlife in our wake. Now we need to make sure our new additions to the canyon are able to get established! Come out and help us hold the spaces we've cleared of invasive fountain grass and Bermuda grass!
If you've been working in Bear Canyon with us recently, you know that we have been working hard to remove invasive grasses from the allong the creek, and planting native plants that will benefit wildlife in our wake. Now we need to make sure our new additions to the canyon are able to get established! Come out and help us hold the space we've cleared of invasive fountain grass!