Dear friends,
I’m touching base with an update and actions to take below.
It has been a long and tumultuous 10 days for me and Sky Island Alliance, and I’m sure for you as well. The onslaught of executive orders and memos coming from the Trump administration are directly affecting our funding, as well as our ability to do certain work. A significant portion of our conservation work occurs through federal grants and partnerships.
The illegal freezing of federal grants that occurred this week led to our inability to access federal grant payments. Despite a court injunction and reported retraction of the freeze, some grants are still frozen for review. Additionally, work planned for this year hangs in jeopardy as the Trump administration seeks to dismantle programs that directly support our work in the U.S. and Mexico.
Federal funds pay for many vital and successful conservation initiatives including cross-border collaborative work. And this is about more than conservation. Civil society, nonprofits across the board, and borderlands communities are under attack.
I know that you are with us in your dedication to preserve and protect the Sky Island region. We are here and we will continue to lead in envisioning, protecting, and creating the type of world we want to live in. We are deeply committed to continuing to be a voice for the amazing animals, plants, springs, creeks, and mountains that are not able to speak for themselves and to treating our fellow humans and neighbors with respect and dignity.

Our staff and board are smart, organized, and resourceful. And we have fierce hope and conviction. The region we love and protect sustains us, and we support each other in trying times.
That said, we need you with us now, as someone who cares deeply about the Sky Islands and our community. We need you to stand with us and fight these attacks on all we hold dear and help us sustain this vital work into the future.
You can make a difference and stand for our shared values in several ways:
- Become a monthly supporter — monthly gifts provide steady income and give us the nimbleness to respond to emerging threats and opportunities.
- Share your nonprofit’s story — the National Council of Nonprofits is organizing a public survey to learn more about how various organizations have been affected by the executive orders and funding freeze.
- Take action — send a letter to Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes thanking her for defending the law and federal funding that supports jobs and organizations across our region.
- Join the conversation — you’re invited to join SIA leadership for a virtual talk on Feb. 4 at 5 p.m. MST. We’ll discuss the impacts of the Trump administration’s chaos on our work, our current priorities, and how to keep fulfilling our mission in the face of uncertainty.
In the coming weeks we will do our best to keep you informed of what’s happening for our organization and conservation in the region, as well as how you can take action to sustain the Sky Islands and cross-border collaboration.
In solidarity,