As part of the 3rd Annual Festival of the Sky Islands, recently held in Moctezuma, Sonora, we once again held a drawing contest. This year’s prompt: reptiles.
This contest seeks to link the interest of the public, from children to adults, with the conservation and admiration of these fascinating creatures. We thank all who submitted drawings and recognize that, thanks to their participation, knowledge of reptiles will go further and help others to better know, love, and protect these species. Thank you to all the children, young people, and adults for their participation. Something that’s very satisfying is to see the effort and artistic growth they’ve had over the years. We appreciate their continued participation and hope that each year more people join in the celebration of the Festival of the Sky Islands. Below are the winners from this year’s contest.
Kids (Age 6-12)
1st Place — “¡Encuéntrame!” by Vanesa García Barceló, age 9. “Horned lized camouflaged in its habitat.”

2nd Place — “La belleza puede ser fría” by Irlanda Miranda Fimbres, age 11. “This drawing represents the beauty of a rattlesnake in all its splendor amidst the coldness of our land. It reminds us that for some, death can give life.”

3rd Place — “La vida de una iguana” por Héctor Terán Domínguez, age 12. “This drawing represents the tranquility of an iguana resting in a bebelama tree in front of a sunset in our beloved Sonora.”

Teens (Age 13-17)
1st Place — “Lagarto mortal: Monstruo de Gila” by Félix Jarek Moreno Gutiérrez, age 17. “A Gila monster on a rock in the desert climate of the state, and at dusk, since these beasts come out at dusk when it is less hot, surrounded by prickly pear cactus.”

2nd Place — “Belleza sonorense” by Elisa Yáñez Gámez, age 13. “Gila monster resting on a rock in its natural habitat.”

3rd Place — “Víbora de cascabel en su hábitat natural” by Yareth Alexandra Rendón Márquez, age 14. “Rattlesnake in its natural habitat.”

Adults (Age 18+)
1st Place — “Callisaurus draconoides, Perrita” by Karla Georgina Vázquez Cabrera, age 30. “This drawing reminds me of those sunsets walking through the dunes, where I appreciated its beautiful colors and its very particular way of wagging its tail and running.”

2nd Place — “Ditmarsi” by Maybeth Yulissa Pinto Santana, age 25. “I decided to draw Phrynosoma ditmarsi because it has a symbolic and special meaning for me. Thanks to an expedition dedicated to this species, my life changed radically. I met incredible people who are passionate about wildlife, who transmitted to me their same enthusiasm and love for animals, especially reptiles. With this drawing, I intend to express hope and love towards this vulnerable species, so that others fall in love with its beauty and it remains engraved in their memory, encouraging them to continue with its conservation.”

3rd Place (Tie) — “La sorda y el nopal” by Alexis Barbachan Acedo, age 19. “This drawing represents one of the most common and recognized species of snakes in the region, which has great importance as a controller of natural pests and, like other snake species, plays a very important role in our ecosystems.”

3rd Place (Tie) — “Lagarto cornudo, un pequeño y extraordinario habitante de la arena” by María Guadalupe Durazo Salcido, age 20. “Shining in all their splendor and adapted to survive, the Phrynosomas, mountain or blood-crying chameleons, are an endemic species in Mexico and play an important ecosystem role, mainly in maintaining soils. Their morphological and dietary adaptations have allowed them to survive and defend themselves against their predators.”