On May 18, Sky Island Alliance once again joined the annual Border BioBlitz with a special binational event at Cuenca Los Ojos ranch in Sonora and at San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Joining us were volunteers from both sides of the border, as well as students from the Universidad de la Sierra and Universidad de Sonora. Our goal was to document as many species as possible using the iNaturalist app — to show the diversity of life in our borderlands and why it needs protection.
Like last year, we divided into three teams to record observations in different areas of the reserve: the stream, the mesquite forest, and the border wall. Simultaneously, volunteers on the U.S. side searched for species, and both groups met at noon at the border floodgates to share observations and experiences. In all, our group made a total of 600+ observations of 221 different species. Highlights include a Gila monster, bees, butterflies, and many flowering plants.
At the end of the day, in Sonora, we had a screening of several documentaries that have been filmed in this protected area and show the importance of its conservation. And on Sunday, we visited the ranch’s plant nursery, where volunteers had the chance to make “seed bombs” and learn how to transplant agaves. Many thanks to all who attended and made this event possible, helping contribute to the generation of science and community.