As 2020 comes to an end, we’re excited to look back at the best FotoFauna submissions of the year.
Judges from several partnering organizations first helped us whittle 1,000+ photos down to 57 finalists across 19 categories. Then, earlier today, over 50 coffee break attendees voted live to select the the winners from these finalists. As the community picked 19 overall winners, we swapped fun facts, laughed at the silliest wildlife shots, and celebrated the wonderful biodiversity of the Sky Islands.
Scroll through and enjoy the 19 best FotoFauna photos of 2020 as chosen by the community!
Long ranging species / Especies de amplio espectro: Brought to you by Arizona Trails Association
Very Bear-y Pictures / Fotos Ososos: Brought to you by Sky Island Alliance

Candid Coati/Coatíes Candorosos: Brought to you by The Nature Conservancy Arizona

Fantastic Felines/ Felinos Fantásticos: Brought to you by Wilburforce Foundation

Best Winged Wildlife/ La Mejor Fauna Alada: Brought to you by Pollinators Corridors Southwest

Skinkin’ Cute Skunks/Zorrillos Tan Lindos: Brought to you by Sky Island Alliance

Starlight Sightings/Avistamientos de Luz Estelar: Brought to you by the International Dark Sky Association

The Funnies/Los Chistosos: Brought to you by Borderlands Restoration Network
Parent of the Year/Padres del Año: Brought to you by Wilburforce Foundation

Tail Envy/Envidia de las Colas: Brought to you by the Sky Island Alliance

Best Selfie/Mejores Selfies: Brought to you by Tohono Chul

Best Playdate/La Mejor Cita Para Jugar: Brought to you by Sky Island Alliance

Best Camouflage/El Mejor Camuflaje: Brought to you by Sky Island Alliance

Coolest Coyote/Coyotes Cheveres: Brought to you by Wilburforce Foundation

Spooky Shots/Fotos Fantasmales: Brought to you by Sky Island Alliance

Hoooo’s there?/Búúúúúúhos: Brought to you by Sky Island Alliance

Most Causal/El Más Casual: Brought to you by Wilburforce Foundation

Lights Camera Action/ Luces, Cámara, Acción: Brought to you by Sky Island Alliance

Picture Perfect/Imagen Ideal: Brought to you by Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum