To volunteer with Sky Island Alliance, you must fill out a volunteer agreement, release and indemnity form. You can read, fill out, and sign electronically below. Please review carefully as this is a legally binding document.

Volunteer Waiver
Volunteer Info

I can help with:

I'd like to help with these projects:

Volunteer Agreement

Thank you for volunteering with Sky Island Alliance (SIA)! Your volunteer contributions support our overall goal of restoring and protecting the wildlife and habitats of the Sky Islands. We could not achieve positive conservation results without your valuable time and effort.

By signing below, you agree:

  1. To represent SIA with professionalism and courtesy, treat other volunteers, participants and visitors with respect, and keep personal opinions and actions separate from those made as a representative of SIA.
  2. To allow SIA to use any photographs taken of or submitted by yourself while volunteering for SIA. Photographs taken of volunteers may appear in reports to SIA funders, the organization's print and online media, and/or any other similar outreach and education materials.
  3. To redirect any media inquiries regarding a volunteer outing and/or project to designated Sky Island Alliance staff.
  4. Not to collect or otherwise remove any animal or plant specimens or cultural resources from any worksite while volunteering with SIA, unless collecting such specimens has been directly authorized by SIA staff as part of our conservation efforts. SIA expects all volunteers will follow the “Leave No Trace” ethic when participating in SIA-sponsored events.
  5. Not to disclose, either publicly or privately, any photographs, species photographed, specific or general location of cameras, or any other information collected through remote cameras, field observations, or wildlife track monitoring (camera and transect locations) without prior written consent from SIA staff (program manager, coordinator or director). This is intended to protect rare, threatened and/or endangered species and other things which may include information considered by the organization and others to be highly sensitive and confidential.
  6. To comply with all applicable local, state, federal and international laws and regulations where work for SIA is being conducted.

Release and Indemnity

The undersigned (legal guardian, if minor), in consideration of the opportunity to participate in a Sky Island Alliance activities, acknowledge that during these activities I may encounter certain dangers—including, without limitation, falling rocks, rough and/or slippery terrain, insect and animal stings and bites, lightning and exposure to unpredictable elements and other flora and fauna related dangers, ranging from cacti, rattle snakes, scorpions and other venomous or poisonous plants or animals, temperature, weather, heat and cold related elements and other environmental or circumstantial dangers, whether caused by plants, animals, humans or animate or inanimate objects found in the desert.

I recognize and agree that I am taking part in these activities at my own risk. I acknowledge that Sky Island Alliance makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, regarding the conditions that may be encountered during activities, the safety of pets or equipment during activities, and/or any means of transportation to or from the activities, and that Sky Island Alliance will have no liability for any defect or dangerous condition pertaining thereto.

I recognize that participating in outdoor activities in natural areas can be inherently dangerous. I accept and assume the risk of injury to my person that may result from my participation in these activities. I accept and assume the risk of injury to my person or property that may result from my participation in these activities, whether known or unknown, whether anticipated or unanticipated, and I waive the benefit of any statute, law, rule or regulation that may provide protection against unknown or unanticipated dangers.

In consideration of the opportunity to participate in Sky Island Alliance activities, and acting for myself and my heirs, personal representatives, assigns and guardians, I hereby agree to and do:

  1. Release Sky Island Alliance, its principals, agents, employees, officers, and directors from any expense, cost, claim, causes of action or other liabilities for any injury to me, for my death, and for participation in or travel to or from this trip, whether or not such injury, death, damage or destruction results from the negligence, including gross negligence or other fault of any person; and
  2. Indemnify and hold harmless Sky Island Alliance, its principals, agents, employees, officers, and directors against any and all loss, damage, expenses, cost, claims, causes of action or liabilities (including attorney's fees) for damage, injury, death or losses whether caused by negligence, or any other fault, arising out of, or in any way connected with, my participation in, or travel to or from the trip; and
  3. Assume full responsibility and liability for any injury to or death of any person and for damage to or destruction of property caused by me during or while traveling to, from and on the trip.
  4. SIA normally advises all volunteers to work in pairs when in remote areas. However, the COVID-19 pandemic requires social distancing, which is an important safety precaution. If you do test positive for COVID-19 after volunteering with staff in the field, you must alert us and self-isolate. SIA also requires that all volunteers check in with staff members by phone, text, or email when entering and leaving the field.

I agree and understand that by signing the Electronic Signature Acknowledgment and Consent Form, that all electronic signatures are the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature and I consent to be legally bound to this agreement.