Miguel Francisco Enríquez Galaz

Miguel EnriquezWildlife Specialist

Pronouns: He/Him/Él

Miguel spent three years working with Sky Island Alliance as an intern (2019-2020) and a Sky Island Fellow (2021) before finally joining our team full-time in 2022 as our Sonoran Wildlife Specialist. He focuses on analyzing data from Sky Island FotoFauna and the Border Wildlife Study.

In April 2021, Miguel graduated with a degree in biology from the Universidad de la Sierra (read his thesis here). As a student, his favorite classes were botany and GIS, where he gained experience in ecological and biological applications. Outside of class time, he participated in birding workshops—and is now an avid birder!

Miguel loves to visit family properties near Agua Prieta, Sonora to explore, observe birds, and take photographs. His favorite Sky Island is the Sierra de Mesa Tres Ríos, which is the first place he saw a pine forest.

Email: [email protected]