Pronouns: He/Him/Él
Bryon, our Stewardship Specialist, is involved with most of our program work. Whether he’s installing loose rock structures to help control erosion around a spring, planting native flora for the benefit of local ecosystems, or checking trail cameras in the borderlands, Bryon’s work has taken him to some of the furthest reaches of our region.
Bryon was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, and the deserts and mountains of the Sky Island Archipelago have always been his source of inspiration, beauty, and solace. Bryon’s background as a homesteader and permaculturalist, ancestral skills instructor, tree service technician, and nature guide and educator — as well as his studies of biology, ecology, and anthropology at institutions such as Carleton College in Northfield, MN and Prescott College in Tucson — have made him keenly aware of our connection to, and dependence upon, the natural world for our lives and livelihoods.
His favorite thing about the Sky Islands is the amazing diversity of this place. From the wonderful mix of cultures in the region, to the mountains, deserts, grasslands, and riparian corridors, there is never a shortage of things to learn about or experience. In his free time, he might be found birding in our borderlands, partaking in a backcountry deer hunt, or sleeping next to a fire made by friction, under a rock shelter up some hidden Sky Island canyon.
As we celebrate our 30th anniversary this year, Bryon hopes we will see an increase in connectivity throughout the region, in coming years, with crossing structures along our highways to allow for movement of wildlife and protected habitat corridors linking our wild spaces. In addition, he hopes for rising groundwater levels as rainwater harvesting and broad-scale erosion control measures become more common. Finally, he wishes to see a future where the people living in the Sky Island region recognize how special and unique this place is, feel a deep connection to the land and our wild neighbors, and are committed to their protection.
Learn more about Bryon and his favorite Sky Island wildlife in this fun staff highlight.
Phone: 520-624-7080 x 27
Email: [email protected]