Border wall construction has cut off two-thirds of the Arizona-Sonora connection and severely damaged habitats and waterways. Many wildlife species are now stopped in their tracks along pathways they’ve traveled for millennia to find water, food, shelter, and mates.  

Now more than ever we must ensure that water flows and native species have habitat for survival at the border. That’s why Sky Island Alliance has been investing in the following:  

  • Providing drinkable water for wildlife that must now travel many miles to find water across the border; 
  • Habitat-enhancement projects that prevent soil erosion;  
  • Wildlife-friendly fence projects that protect springs and other sensitive habitats from cattle trampling; and
  • Returning native plants to the landscape.  

Huachuca Mountains Pond Enhancement 

The southern Huachuca Mountains in southeast Arizona are home to a rich diversity of wildlife that need access to clean, reliable water. This area is designated critical habitat for jaguars and other threatened species like Chiricahua leopard frogs, northern Mexican garter snakes, and Mexican long-tongued bats. Climate change and intensifying drought have increased demand on these water sources from both wildlife and cattle in the area.

That’s why, in 2021, we jumped at the chance to partner with the Coronado National Forest when they reached out to us with a plan to improve water sources for wildlife in the area. Specifically, the biologist for the district wanted to create better habitat by excluding cattle from three different earthen stock ponds — Mesa Tank, Joaquin Tank, and Lone Mountain Tank — that are within eight miles of the U.S.-Mexico border and in the heart of this major wildlife corridor.

As of August 2024, our project is nearly complete, as you can see in this blog from our Stewardship Specialist Bryon Lichtenhan. New wildlife-friendly fencing is up, and separate troughs have been installed outside the ponds so cows can access water. Each of the three ponds is also connected to a permanent water source at Lone Mountain Well, improving water reliability. In good time, our hope is that the ponds will naturally recover and they’ll become candidates for the introduction of Chiricahua leopard frogs and Gila topminnows. So far, our trail cameras have shown 17 different mammals and 22 kinds of birds visiting the oases — a great sign.

Rancho Los Fresnos  

Sky Island Alliance has collaborated with Mexican nonprofit Naturalia, A.C. for years to advance conservation at Rancho Los Fresnos, a protected ranch in the southern foothills of the Huachuca Mountains. Los Fresnos contains one of the largest and most important ciénegas in the region, with 155 acres of critical wetland habitat and 10,000 acres of grassland in the upper San Pedro Watershed. Naturalia is a partner of our Border Wildlife Study, operating 10 wildlife cameras in Mexico. 

Recent habitat enhancement projects on the border at Rancho Los Fresnos include:  

  • Installation of fencing to protect 155 acres of wetlands from livestock trampling and help trees and plants regrow. The fencing allows other wildlife to safely access water. 
  • Conducting surveys around the ciénega to identify native and invasive plants in the area. 
  • Planting more than 3,000 starts and constructing a greenhouse to further grow native plant species that’ll increase the area’s biodiversity.  
  • Creation of erosion-control structures at four sites to stabilize soil affected by ranching.  

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