Help Rewild Old Roads in the Huachuca Mountains

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We need your help for a project in one of the most important wildlife corridors in the Sky Islands — an area that’s home to a wide range of species, from endangered jaguars and ocelots to black bears and pronghorn.

In 2019, after a years-long public process, the Coronado National Forest decided to close 160 miles of old roads within southern Arizona’s Sierra Vista District that no longer served the needs of the forest or visitors (see the red segments in the map below). These “administratively decommissioned” roads are now technically not for travel. But work remains to physically block access or renaturalize the roadbeds. In the meantime, many of the roads continue to be used regularly, allowing vehicle traffic in otherwise isolated areas, spreading invasive species, disturbing wildlife, and contributing to erosion.

That’s where you and other volunteers come in. Starting this fall, Sky Island Alliance is partnering with the Forest Service and Borderlands Restoration Network to survey as many of these red road segments as possible to see what issues exist and to help decide which roads to prioritize for restoration. If you’d like to join us, explore the map below and then take the following steps. We envision this as a choose-your-own-adventure way to help protect the areas you love — something that could be done solo or with friends while driving, biking, hiking, etc. If you have questions, contact our Habitat Conservation Manager Sarah Truebe and/or Stewardship Specialist Bryon Lichtenhan. And if you’d like to help but can’t volunteer, consider supporting the project.