Social distancing at all levels

We hope that you and your family are safe and comfortable as our community adjusts to Covid-19. As volunteers, you help us accomplish so much and nothing is more important to us than your health. For this reason, we are evolving our volunteer plans for the foreseeable future to protect our Sky Island community.

Wildlife Trackers and Camera Volunteers 

The spring monitoring window is open until April 5, 2020. During this immediate period, we ask that all volunteer groups postpone their data collection until social distancing practices are no longer necessary. While we do not want any volunteers to conduct field work alone, if you collect data on a transect or check cameras with a member(s) of your own household and wish to collect data during this spring window, we are happy to receive your data. We can mail camera supplies (e.g. SD cards) needed to facilitate this work.

Please let us know if you do not plan to check your assigned camera so that we can determine if camera maintenance needs to be done by Sky Island Alliance staff. In many cases, the camera cards and batteries may not need spring maintenance and we may simply wait until the summer period to download data.

If you have questions or concerns about the changes to the wildlife monitoring window please email Meagan at [email protected]

Adopt-A-Spring Monitors

Sami (right) leads the way on a spring survey

The Adopt-A-Spring project is postponed until further notice given these activities require volunteer groups and physical pick-up of monitoring kits from our office.  If you have questions or concerns about the Adopt-A-Springs project, please email Sami at [email protected] 

We thank you for all your support of Sky Island Alliance and the region we all care so much about. We hope this break from our normal routines will give everyone a chance to appreciate nature, whether from your window, backyard, or mountaintop.