Holiday Botany

Botanical signs of the holidays abound in the Sky Island region. From mistletoe that puffs out with green sprigs in desert mesquite and palo verde trees. To the many species of evergreen firs and pines that dominate the high elevation sky islands peaks.

You can easily see many of my favorite conifers on hikes in the mountains in Southern Arizona and Northern Mexico. If you get up to 7,000 feet or higher, you’ll likely encounter ponderosa, Arizona, and Apache pines, Mexican pinyon, and alligator juniper. I hope your holidays will allow you the opportunity to venture into the sky islands to smell the fresh pines this winter.  So when you go, be sure to keep a look out for these beautiful trees. Be like Emma, our Community Engagement Manager, and hug a ponderosa pine!

I hope your holidays are merry and bright.