Public comment period open now.
The San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (SPRNCA) is a natural gem that sits at the heart of the Sky Island Region. Encompassing 40 miles of the San Pedro River, it was designated to protect and enhance this rare perennially flowing desert river and the lush ribbon of green it supports.
The Bureau of Land Management is revising the Resource Management Plan for the area, and current drafts include proposals to increase livestock grazing in the area.

Same location in 1998, following 10 years without grazing. Image: BLM

View of the San Pedro River from Hereford Bridge in 1984. Image: BLM
The SPRNCA has recovered remarkably since it was declared legally off limits to most livestock grazing in 1989.
According to the new plan, the BLM would increase livestock grazing in upland areas with soils that have a severe susceptibility to erosion caused by grazing. Although the plan is not to allow grazing directly in the river, as in the past, upland grazing will have impacts on water quality within the San Pedro River. A healthy river relies on a healthy watershed!
You can raise your voice to protect this riparian gem. Submit your comments online by the September 27 deadline. Ask BLM to conserve, protect, and enhance the unique river and riparian habitat of the SPRNCA.
Read more, download the plan, and learn about public meetings on the BLM website.