Women Move Mountains

Women Move Mountains

December 1, 2022

On Dec. 9, Mountain Sentinels and Canadian Mountain Network are hosting a free two-hour online event called “Women Move Mountains” to celebrate diverse women leaders (including our very own Executive…
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Arizona Border Briefing

Arizona Border Briefing

October 26, 2022

Join us for a briefing on the state of Arizona’s illegal plan to barricade more of the U.S.-Mexico border with shipping containers on federal land. The newest container drop site…
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Dark Skies of the Sky Islands

Join the Challenge: Help Document Our Dark Skies

October 3, 2022

Join us for this special event in appreciation of the spectacular dark skies of the Sky Islands. We’ll explain how artificial lighting threatens the nocturnal environment that wildlife need to…
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Vinca pull in Aravaipa

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

September 26, 2022

Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve this fall for a fun and meaningful weekend with other volunteers. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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Vinca pull in Aravaipa

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

September 23, 2022

Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve this fall for a fun and meaningful weekend with other volunteers. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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Festival del las Islas del Cielo

Celebrate: Festival de las Islas del Cielo

September 22, 2022

This Oct. 14-15 the town of Moctezuma, Sonora, will host the first Festival of the Sky Islands. Come join us and help celebrate our region’s incredible biodiversity and culture. This…
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McGrew Spring

Springs Restoration in the Whetstones

September 6, 2022

McGrew Spring is a shady, secluded oasis in southern Arizona’s Whetstone Mountains. Closed to the public, the spring is more than two miles from any other water source and is…
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Mountain lion

Presentation: Wildlife of the Huachucas

Join us for this free event hosted by Friends of the Huachuca Mountains — part of a series of talks on the natural and cultural history of the region. Sky…
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Aravaipa Canyon

Aravaipa Canyon Vinca Removal

September 2, 2022

Want to do something fun and meaningful this Labor Day weekend? Come join us in the beautiful Aravaipa Canyon Preserve. We’ll be continuing work to remove invasive vinca along the…
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Training: Intro to Sky Island FotoFauna

August 19, 2022

Do you love wildlife in the Sky Islands and have a place where you could place a backyard trail camera? This training is for you! Learn FotoFauna basics including selecting…
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